Let's start with a discussion of healthy dog feces. Dog feces should be brown, like chocolate. However, if your dog eats something with extra colors, you may notice some of those colors in his or her feces. Sometimes, orange dog poop is seen in dogs! It is also vital to realize that the brown color varies from breed to breed. Dog owners should keep an eye on … [Read more...]
Yellow Dog Poop (Causes, prevention)-Everything that you need to know about your dog poop
Everyone can agree that scooping up dog excrement is unpleasant. It stinks and can get nasty if you're not careful. However, this disagreeable task could also feel alarming when you reach down one day and discover yellow dog poop instead of your dog's typical brown stool. One of the best things you can do to keep an eye on your dog's health is to observe … [Read more...]
Black Dog Poop (Causes, Consistency & Care)-All in One
Dealing with dog feces is among the less enjoyable aspects of having a pet. Even though humans find poop repulsive and detest having to clean it up, paying attention to your dog's feces is a fantastic method to keep an eye on his general health. Dog feces should typically be solid and dark brown in color. However, the color and consistency of each dog's feces will … [Read more...]
Dog Poop (Coating, Color & Care)-Definitive Guide to Dog Care
If you've ever wished your dog could communicate with you, just look at their stool. Dog waste is a crucial sign of your dog's overall health. This is especially true because dogs can't communicate with humans about what's going on within their bodies! To help you assess your dog's health, we've given a dog poop color chart. Dogs' digestive … [Read more...]