We are all aware that dogs have been considered “man’s best friend” for hundreds of years, but our four-legged pets are truly magnificent in so many other ways.
Some people are great friends, while others are fearless hunters. The cute ones that get along well with your kids cannot be disregarded! The formidable police dog, on the other hand, works side by side with police personnel and displays courage.
In order for you to understand a little bit more about your dog, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite canine facts. Let’s begin!
Afghan Hound
Airedale Terrier
Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Malamute
American Bulldog
American English Coonhound
American Eskimo Dog
American Foxhound
American Hairless Terrier
American Leopard Hound
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Water Spaniel
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Appenzeller Sennenhund
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Kelpie
Australian Shepherd
Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Australian Terrier
Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound
Bearded Collie
Bedlington Terrier
Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Tervuren
Bergamasco Sheepdog
Berger Picard
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bichon Frise
Biewer Terrier
Black and Tan Coonhound
Black Russian Terrier
Bluetick Coonhound
Bohemian Shepherd
Border Collie
Border Terrier
Boston Terrier
Bouvier des Flandres
Boykin Spaniel
Bracco Italiano
Braque du Bourbonnais
Braque Francais Pyrenean
Brussels Griffon
Bull Terrier
Barbado da Terceira
Cairn Terrier
Canaan Dog
Cane Corso
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Carolina Dog
Catahoula Leopard Dog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Cesky Terrier
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chinese Crested
Chinese Shar-Pei
Chow Chow
Cirneco dell’Etna
Clumber Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel
Coton de Tulear
Croatian Sheepdog
Curly-Coated Retriever
Czechoslovakian Vlcak
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Danish-Swedish Farmdog
Deutscher Wachtelhund
Doberman Pinscher
Dogo Argentino
Dogue de Bordeaux
Drentsche Patrijshond
Dutch Shepherd
English Cocker Spaniel
English Foxhound
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
English Toy Spaniel
Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Estrela Mountain Dog
Field Spaniel
Finnish Lapphund
Finnish Spitz
Flat-Coated Retriever
French Bulldog
French Spaniel
German Longhaired Pointer
German Pinscher
German Shepherd Dog
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Spitz
German Wirehaired Pointer
Giant Schnauzer
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter
Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
Great Dane
Great Pyrenees
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Hanoverian Scenthound
Ibizan Hound
Icelandic Sheepdog
Irish Red and White Setter
Irish Setter
Irish Terrier
Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Wolfhound
Italian Greyhound
Japanese Akitainu
Japanese Chin
Japanese Spitz
Japanese Terrier
Kai Ken
Karelian Bear Dog
Kerry Blue Terrier
Kishu Ken
Labrador Retriever
Lagotto Romagnolo
Lakeland Terrier
Lancashire Heeler
Lapponian Herder
Lhasa Apso
Manchester Terrier (Standard)
Manchester Terrier (Toy)
Miniature American Shepherd
Miniature Bull Terrier
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Schnauzer
Mountain Cur
Neapolitan Mastiff
Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
Norfolk Terrier
Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Lundehund
Norwich Terrier
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Parson Russell Terrier
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Perro de Presa Canario
Peruvian Inca Orchid
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
Pharaoh Hound
Plott Hound
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Poodle (Miniature)
Poodle (Standard)
Poodle (Toy)
Portuguese Podengo
Portuguese Pointer
Portuguese Sheepdog
Portuguese Water Dog
Pyrenean Mastiff
Pyrenean Shepherd
Rafeiro do Alentejo
Rat Terrier
Redbone Coonhound
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Romanian Carpathian Shepherd
Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog
Russell Terrier
Russian Toy
Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
Saint Bernard
Scottish Deerhound
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Segugio Italiano
Shetland Sheepdog
Shiba Inu
Shih Tzu
Siberian Husky
Silky Terrier
Skye Terrier
Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer
Slovensky Cuvac
Slovensky Kopov
Small Munsterlander
Smooth Fox Terrier
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Spanish Mastiff
Spanish Water Dog
Spinone Italiano
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Standard Schnauzer
Sussex Spaniel
Swedish Lapphund
Swedish Vallhund
Taiwan Dog
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
Thai Ridgeback
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier
Toy Fox Terrier
Transylvanian Hound
Treeing Tennessee Brindle
Treeing Walker Coonhound
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Welsh Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
Wire Fox Terrier

1. Affenpinscher
The Affenpinscher makes a generally wonderful house pet. Although some Affenpinschers are less tolerant of the strong activity of children than others, they frequently get along well with kids.
Height- 9-11.5 in
Weight- 7.10 lb
Life Span- 12-15 yrs

2. Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound, known as the “dumbest” dog, is independent and social in nature. They can be incredibly devoted and enjoy playing all day. They are slow in motion.
Height- 23 in
Weight- 50-70 lb
Life Span- 11-14 yr

3. Airedale Terrier
Large in size and high in activity level, they are very loving and protective. But due to their stinky nature, and high stubbornness, they are at times not taken as pets, though they are great as family dogs.
Height- 23 in
Weight- 50-70 lb
Life Span- 11-14 yr

The most stubborn dog of all breeds!
Among dogs that can stay lonely, but get aggressive and bite without being provoked, Akita is one of those. They belong to the wolf breed dog and are really adorable to look at.
Height- 26-28 in (male) 24-26 in(female)
Weight- 100-130 lb
Life Span- 10-14 yr

5.Alaskan Klee Kai
Extremely tolerant to hot weather, these cuties only require some water around such that they can keep themselves cool. They need to be socialized at an early age, because they are cautious around strangers and may become furious.
Height- 13 in (Toy) 13-15 in (miniature) 15.17.5 in (standard)
Weight- 6-12 lb. 10-18 lb. 16-25 lb
Life Span- 13-16 years

6.Alaskan Malamute
Extremely aggressive in nature, they are very unfit as pets as they go after animals to hunt them down. Their origin is from the historical interbreeding between working sled dogs and wolves. They are rain lovers if it’s not a freezing one!
Height- 25 in (male), 23 in (female)
Weight- 85 lb (male), 75 lb (female)
Life Span- 10-14 years

7.American Bulldog
Banned in many states of the U.S.A, Denmark and Bermuda, these extremely dominating and ferocious dogs are yet allowed in many other states of America. They are hard to train and can go through separation anxiety and aggression if not trained properly.
Height- 22-25 in (male); 20-23 in (female)
Weight- 75-100 lb (male); 60-80 lb (female)
Life Span- 10-12 years

8.American English Coonhound
The renowned descendent of the English Foxhound, used for hunting racoon and foxes have been renowned for centuries for their crazy speed. They are not territorial dogs and are not protective in nature.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 45-65 lb
LifeSpan- 11-12 years

9.American Eskimo Dog
Kevin, the dog owned by Bo. Obama is an American Eskimo dog and has captured the hearts of America! This celebrity dog has been seen with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in the hit romantic comedy “The Proposal”.
Height- 9-12 in (toy), 12-15 in (miniature), 15-19 in (Standard)
Weight- 6-10 lb (toy), 10-20 lb (miniature), 25-35 lb (standard)
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

10.American Foxhound
Devoted, intelligent and friendly dogs, the American Foxhounds are quiet vocal and are often considered as the baying dogs referring to their musical and adoring barks! They can even get along with cats if trained at an early stage!
Height- 22-25 in (male), 21-24 in (female)
Weight- 65-70 lb (male), 60-65 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

11.American Hairless Terrier
An extremely rare canine breed with the distinction of being accidently developed is the American Hairless Terrier! In actuality, American Hairless Terriers are a genetic variation of the far more well-known Rat Terrier. When some Rat Terriers gave birth to a few puzzlingly hairless pups, they were unintentionally found!
Height- 12-16 in
Weight- 12-16 lb
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

12.American Leopard Hound
The breed is devoted to its family, affectionate with them, and fiercely protective of young ones. The American Leopard is one of the oldest tree dog breeds in the United States. It has exceptional tracking skills and can frequently follow its prey for kilometers.
Height- 22-27 in males, 21-25 in females
Weight- 12-16 lb
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

13.American Staffordshire Terrier
In general, the American Staffordshire terrier and the American pit bull terrier are very similar. American Staffordshire Terriers are the most common breeds of blue-nosed pit bulls. They used to be very aggressive once, but now they do not show such aggression.
Height- 18-19 in (male),17-18 in (female)
Weight- 55-70 lb (male), 40-55 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

14.American Water Spaniel
Less than 3,000 American Water Spaniels are still in existence today, making them rare. Breeders battled to preserve the American water spaniel in the early 1900s. The breed was acknowledged by the AKC for the first time in 1940, and Wisconsin adopted it as its state dog in 1985.
Height- 15-18 inches
Weight- 30-45 lb (male), 25-40 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

15.Anatolian Shepherd Dog
The breed is said to have originated in the Anatolia region of Turkey, commonly known as Asia Minor, from a group of shepherds known as the Coban Kopegi, or “shepherd’s dog” who were raised primarily to guard and herd sheep.
Height- 29 in (male), 27 in (female)
Weight- 110-150 lb (male), 80-120 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

16.Appenzeller Sennenhund
The rarest of the four Swiss sennenhund dog breeds, the Appenzell Mountain Dog also serves as a guard dog and a herding dog. Appenzellers have a history of risking their lives to defend their loved ones or their property.
Height- 20 -22 inches
Weight- 48-70 lb
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

17.Australian Cattle Dog
Crossbred Australian Cattle Dogs may have inherited some health issues, including deafness. Breeders should test these animals for hip dysplasia and the blinding condition progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). They love to bite! The longest-living dog was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey, who lasted an astonishing 29 years.
Height- 18-20 in (male), 17-19 in (female)
Weight- 35-50 lb
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

18.Australian Kelpie
They make excellent watch dogs since they are constantly prepared to sound the alarm and are pretty loud dogs who are always up for a discussion with the owner. Despite its farming heritage, the Kelpie must be fully incorporated into family life and should never be left alone in the great outdoors.
Height- 17-20 inches
Weight- 35-50 lbs
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

19.Australian Shepherd
Fiercely devoted The Australian Shepherd and its owner form a close attachment that is difficult to sever. a destructive attitude This breed may start destroying things around the house if it doesn’t have a way to release its pent-up energy.
Height- 20-23 in (male), 18-21 in (female)
Weight- 50-65 lb (male), 40-55 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

20.Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Australia is where the Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog first appeared. It is an offspring of the Dingo, a long, dense-coated, black and white bob-tailed dog (Smithfield). The Australian National Kennel Club approved the breed in 1988.
Height- 18-20 inches (males), 17-19 inches (females)
Weight- 38-45 lbs (males), 32-35 lbs (females)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

21.Australian Terrier
Australian Terriers are more eager to please than most terriers and are highly intelligent. The competitive Australian shepherd will take on larger dogs as well. To the other dogs in his home, he can be violent and domineering.
Height- 10-11 inches
Weight- 15-20 lb
LifeSpan- 11-15 years

Azawakhs are a unique breed. An African sighthound of Afro-Asian type, the Azawakh. In the middle of the 1980s, the breed first appeared in the US. Since January 1, 2008, The Azawakh has been qualified to participate in Companion Events.
Height- 25-29 in (male), 23.5-27.5 in(female)
Weight- 44-55 lb (male), 33-44 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

Barbets are bright sporting dogs who pick up new skills fast.
Following World Wars I and II, the breed came dangerously close to extinction, but thanks to a few enthusiasts, the dogs were saved. They have an absurd and clownish aspect. They like to go hiking, swimming, and traveling with their owners.
Height- 19-24.5 inches
Weight- 35-65 lb
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

Basenji is the quietest dog in the world. They do not bark, but yodel at times.
They love to bond with only one person. They do not like to share their loved ones.
Among hunting dog breeds is the Basenji. It was developed from genetic material that came from Central Africa.
Height- 17 in (male), 16 in (female)
Weight- 24 lb (male), 22lb (female)
LifeSpan- 13-14 years

25.Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Basset Hounds, originally bred in France and Belgium, are very cute and lazy in nature. They require a minimum of exercise for 2 hours and even more. They might become mischievous if not trained properly.
Height- 12.5-15.5 inches
Weight- 23-39 lb
LifeSpan- 13-16 years

26.Bavarian Mountain ScentHound
This clever breed, originally from Germany, is utilized for hunting. Hounds have powerful stamina and strong noses. The distinctive traits of this broad group of dogs include scent-trapping, pursuing prey, and close relationships with their human companions.
Height- 17-20.5 inches
Weight- 37-66 lb
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

One consumer’s guide on dogs claims that beagles rank first for excessive barking and might be challenging to housebreak and teach in obedience.
Although the bite of a beagle is rather powerful, it is not as painful as that of certain other breeds. Although bright, beagles are indolent.
Height- 13-15 inches
Weight- 20-30 pounds (13-15 inches)
LifeSpan- 10-15years

28.Bearded Collie
The bearded collies are renowned for their humor and spirit. They have intelligence, are energetic, and may be independent or obstinate. They undoubtedly benefit from tough, careful instruction that is given to them frequently since they have so much physical talent and intellect together. They are a part of the herding group.
Height- 21-22 in(male), 20-21 in (female)
Weight- 45-55 lb
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

Within the United States, the Beauceron is unusual. The earliest references of this French herding breed are from Renaissance writings from 1578. The Doberman Pinscher may have a history with the beauceron.
Height- 25.5-27.5 in (male), 24-26.5 in (female)
Weight- 70-110 lb
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

30.Bedlington Terrier
With a Bedlington Terrier at your side, it won’t take you long to hear someone say, “He looks like a lamb!” No other breed resembles another species as closely as this one does, most likely. A tiny dog breed known as the Bedlington Terrier was named after the mining community of Bedlington in Northumberland, North East England.
Height- 15-17.5 inches
Weight- 17-23 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-16 years

31.Belgian Laekenois
Belgian Malinois are sometimes referred to as Mals, Malis, and Maligators—a combination of the names Malinois and alligator, probably as a result of their use as police dogs for biting. Use constructive criticism. Belgian Malinois are loyal dogs that strive to please their masters by doing what they are told.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 55-65 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

32.Belgian Malinois
But the Belgian Shepherd Dog did not become a breed until 1901. The origin of the Malinois breed may be attributed to a breeding pair that Adrien Janssens, a shepherd from Laeken, had. The most common breed used by SEAL Teams in the USA is the Belgian Malinois, due to their excellent vision.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 60-80 lb (male), 40-60 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

33.Belgian Sheepdog
A medium-sized herding dog breed from Belgium is the Belgian Shepherd, sometimes referred to as the Belgian Sheepdog. With the correct owner, Groenendaels are a breed that is simple to teach due to their high level of activity. He also benefits from having a high IQ since it allows him to learn new ideas and instructions fast.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 55-75 lb (male), 45-60 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

34.Belgian Tervuren
The Tervuren is one of four varieties of Belgian sheepdogs that were used as herders and watchdogs in the past (the others being the Belgian Malinois, the Groenendael, and the Laekenois). In Belgium, Tervuren are frequently trained to cooperate alongside police.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 55-75 lb (male), 45-60 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

35.Bergamasco Sheepdog
A Bergamasco is a kind of old sheepdog. They were employed to herd sheep in the highlands and came from Persia, which is now known as Iran. Bergamascos generally coexisted closely with a single nomadic shepherd and grew to be very clever and self-sufficient canines.
Height- 23.5 in (male), 22 in (female)
Weight- 70-84 lb (male), 57-71 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

36.Berger Picard
A French herding dog with its origins in Picardy is known as the Berger Picard or Picardy Shepherd. World Wars I and II decimated the Berger Picard population, and now they are extremely rare. Only about 3,500 Berger Picards remain in France today.
Height- 23.5-25.5 in (male), 21.5-23.5 in (female)
Weight- 50-70 lb
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

37.Bernese Mountain Dog
One of the four Sennenhund-type dog breeds from the Swiss Alps, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a big dog breed. The Roman mastiffs are the ancestors of these canines. As they accompanied the mountain herders and dairymen known as Senn, the German words Senne and Hund were combined to form the name Sennenhund.
Height- 25-27.5 in (male), 23-26 in (female)
Weight- 80-115 lb (male), 70-95 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7-10 years

38.Bichon Frise
Numerous health problems can affect bichons. They frequently experience skin issues, might react negatively to fleas, and may scratch excessively in dry conditions. They are also more likely to experience other health problems, such bladder stones, which may necessitate frequent trips to the vet.
Height- 9.5-11.5 inches
Weight- 12-18 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-15 years

39.Biewer Terrier
They often maintain their health well into old age. The Biewer terrier must also reside in households who spend a lot of time with them. Although Biewer Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers have a common ancestor, they differ somewhat in appearance but often act similarly.
Height- 7-11 inches
Weight- 4-8 pounds
LifeSpan- 16 years

40.Black and Tan Coonhound
Although the black and tan is most recognized for its skill in raccoon hunting, the dog is also skilled in taking down bears, deer, opossums, and mountain lions. The dog does the effort by chasing after his prey and screaming when it climbs a tree.
Height- 25-27 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 65-110 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

41.Black Russian Terrier
The Red Star Kennel in the USSR developed the Black Russian Terrier, often referred to as the Chornyi Terrier, in the late 1940s and early 1950s for use as working and military dogs.
Height- 27-30 in (male), 26-29 in (female)
Weight- 80-130 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

In reference to their pure blood, the term “blooded hound” gave rise to the moniker “bloodhound.” Bloodhounds arrived in America in the 1800s. Bloodhounds and other scenthounds were occasionally employed to track down runaway slaves. They are still employed to follow people.
Height- 25-27 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 90-110 lb (male), 80-100 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

43.Bluetick Coonhound
A kind of coonhound with American roots is the Bluetick Coonhound. The Bluetick Coonhound is renowned for its outgoing nature, icy nose, and protruding bawl mouth. Its primary use is as a raccoon hunting dog.
Height- 22-27 in (male), 21-25 in (female)
Weight- 55-80 lb(male), 45-65 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 11-12 years

The Boerboel dog we know today is the product of Boer Canines being crossed with various bulldog and South African mastiff breeds over time, probably including the Bullmastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback, English Bulldog, and the Khoikohoi or Khoisan dogs.
Height- 24-27 in (male), 22-25 in (female)
Weight- 150-200 pounds
LifeSpan- 9-11 years

45.Bohemian Shepherd
The Czech Republic gave birth to the sheep-herding canine known as the Bohemian Shepherd. The FCI has granted the Bohemian Shepherd provisional recognition as of 2019.
Height- 20.5-21.7 in (males), 19.3-20.5 in (females)
Weight- 41-60 lb (males), 37-53 lb (females)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

The Bolonoodle is a Poodle and Bolognese hybrid that has just recently entered the designer dog scene. Poodles are rather common canines, but Bolognese are far less so, making this cross breed a relatively uncommon species.
Height- 10-12 inches
Weight- 6-10 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

47.Border Collie
The Border Collie is a medium-sized herding dog breed from Britain. They are derived from landrace sheepdogs, which were originally common throughout the British Isles but only developed into a distinct breed at the Anglo-Scottish border. At the moment, they are mostly employed as working dogs to herd animals, particularly sheep.
Height- 19-22 in (male), 18-21 in(female)
Weight- 30-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

48.Border Terrier
Small, rough-coated terriers of the Border Terrier breed originate from Britain. Along with the Bedlington Terrier and Dandie Dinmont Terrier from the same region, it is an Anglo-Scottish border region breed.
Height- 12-15 inches
Weight- 13-15.5 lb (male), 11.5-14 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

The Borzoi or Russian Hunting Sighthound is a Russian breed of hunting dog of sighthound type. It was formerly used for wolf hunting, and until 1936 was known as the Russian Wolfhound
Height- 28 in & up (male), 26 in & up (female)
Weight- 75-105 lb(male), 60-85 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 9-14 years

50.Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier, so named because it was born in Boston, Massachusetts, is as American as apple pie and baseball. Boston resident Robert C. Hooper bought a white English Terrier-English Bulldog hybrid in 1865. Hooper’s Judge was the name given to this mixed-breed dog because of its dark brindle coat and white blaze.
Height- 15-17 inches
Weight- 12-25 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

51.Bouvier des Flandres
The herding dog breed known as the Bouvier des Flandres was developed in Flanders, Belgium. Originally bred for ordinary agricultural labor like driving cattle, herding sheep, and pulling carts, they are now employed as police and guard dogs in addition to being kept as pets.
Height- 24.5-27.5 in(male), 23.5-26.5 in (female)
Weight- 70-110 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

Flora was the name of the dog, and it was her descendants that gave rise to the contemporary Boxer breed. There are two potential sources for the breed name “Boxer.” It’s possible that the name is derived from Bullenbeisser, or it’s been hypothesized that the term came from the breed’s propensity to “box” other dogs with their front paws.
Height- 23-25 in (male), 21.5-23.5 in (female)
Weight- 65-80 pounds (male)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

53.Boykin Spaniel
The Boykin Spaniel is a rare and relatively new breed, descended from the Chesapeake Bay Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, and American Water Spaniel. These dogs are still not very well known. But they are South Carolina’s recognized dog breed!
Height- 15.5-18 in (male), 14-16.5 in (female)
Weight- 30-40 lb (male), 25-35 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

54.Bracco Italiano
Given that it is an Italian breed, the Bracco Italiano is frequently referred to as an Italian Pointer. Since Braccos are an uncommon breed in the United States, it is unlikely that you would discover one of these dogs in your neighborhood shelter. However, the national breed club provides adoption opportunities for Braccos in need of a forever home.
Height- 21-27 inches
Weight- 55-90 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

55.Braque du Bourbonnais
A gundog breed with a rugged look and a coat that is ticked with liver, fawn, or white is known as the Braque du Bourbonnais.
For older kids and adults who know how to play softly, braque du Bourbonnais could be a preferable choice.
Height- 19-22.5 inches
Weight- 35-53 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

56.Braque Francais Pyrenean
These dogs are among the simplest to teach since they are devoted, affectionate, and clever. The French Pointer, also known as the Braque Francais Pyrenean, was originally bred as a hunting dog, but over the years as their popularity has grown, they have developed into outstanding sports dogs.
Height- 18.5-23 inches
Weight- 40-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

A huge shepherd dog used for both herding and protecting sheep, the Briard or Berger de Brie is a French breed. In 1863, it was initially displayed at the inaugural Paris dog show. Tramp, a dog from the television series “My Three Sons,” was another shaggy dog from the 1960s and 1970s. He was a Briard, as was the dog that portrayed Reno in the movie “Top Dog.”
Height- 23-27 in (male), 22-25.5 in (female)
Weight- 55-100 pounds
LifeSpan- 12 years

Since Brittanys are known for their mild dispositions, they frequently don’t take harsh language and high voices well. The majority of Brittanys have “soft” temperaments and are sensitive dogs.
Height- 17.5-20.5 inches
Weight- 30-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

The Danish Kennel Club and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale both accept the giant mastiff breed of dog known as the Broholmer, commonly known as the Danish Mastiff, as being of Danish origin. It has served as a security dog for affluent people’s homes.
Height- 27.5-29.5 inches
Weight- 90-150 pounds
LifeSpan- 8-10 years

60.Brussels Griffon
A toy dog breed known as the Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon is called after its Belgian birthplace of Brussels. The Griffon Bruxellois, Griffon Belge, and Petit Brabançon are the three breeds that can be included under this umbrella term.
Height- 7-10 inches
Weight- 8-10 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

61.Bull Terrier
Some Bull Terriers have a hilarious and really lovable habit of conversing. They murmur or groan to themselves while they “speak” to themselves. The canine behavioral illness known as obsessive tail chasing, or “spinning,” is most frequently observed in Bull Terriers. It is unquestionably believed to have a hereditary component.
Height- 21-22 inches
Weight- 50-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

The mastiff-like Bulldog is a British dog breed. The British Bulldog or the English Bulldog are other names for it. It has a wrinkled face, a pushed-in snout, and is a robust, well-built dog. Bulldogs are renowned for being intransigent.
Height- 14-15 inches
Weight- 50 lb (male), 40 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 8-10 years

The Bullmastiff is a large-sized dog of the mastiff type that is a British breed. It has a sturdy frame and a short muzzle. In the eighteenth century, it was created as a guard dog by mating the English Mastiff with the now-extinct Old English Bulldog. He was taught not to bite or bark at strangers. Instead, it was his responsibility to trace, pin, and detain poachers without attacking them.
Height- 25-27 in(male), 24-26 in (female)
Weight- 110-130 lb (male), 100-120 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7-9 years

64.Barbado da Terceira
The Portuguese herding and guard dog breed Barbado da Terceira takes its name from the Azorean Atlantic island of Terceira. The breed is happy, sensitive, gentle and willful, clever, and simple to teach. Athletic Barbado da Terceira requires a devoted and knowledgeable owner.
Height- 20 1/2 – 22 in (males), 19 – 21 in (females)
Weight- 55-60 lbs (males), 46-57 lbs (females)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

65.Cairn Terrier
One of Scotland’s first working dogs, the Cairn Terrier is a terrier breed with Scottish Highlands origins. Because the breed was used to hunt and pursue prey between cairns in the Scottish highlands, it was given the name Cairn. Toto from “The Wizard of Oz,” whose true name was Terry, was one of the most well-known Cairns.
Height- 10 in (male), 9.5 in (female)
Weight- 14 lb (male), 13 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

66.Canaan Dog
A common pariah dog breed in the Middle East is the Canaan Dog. These dogs, or canines that are very similar to them, may also be found in Iraq and Syria. It can be found in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and the Sinai Peninsula. It serves as Israel’s mascot. The always vigilant Canaan is a vociferous and tenacious protector of flock and house.
Height- 20-24 in (male), 19-23 in (female)
Weight- 45-55 lb (male), 35-45 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

67.Cane Corso
Mastiffs of the Cane Corso breed originate from Italy. It is typically maintained as a guard dog or companion dog, however it may also be used to guard cattle. It was once employed for both livestock herding and large game hunting. The Cane Corso is descended from a dog breed employed in Roman warfare. Along with the Neapolitan Mastiff, it is currently one of the two Italian “Mastiff” breeds that sprang from this military dog. The Cane Corso is smaller and more suited for hunting.
Height- 25-27.5 in (male), 23.5-26 in (female)
Weight- Proportionate to height
LifeSpan- 9-12 years

68.Cardigan Welsh Corgi
One of two distinct dog breeds known as Welsh Corgis that originated in Wales is the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. The second type is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. One of the first breeds to exist in the British Isles. The dog breed known as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is recognized for its great loyalty. The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren ranks them as the eleventh brightest breed.
Height- 10.5-12.5 inches
Weight- 30-38 lb (male), 25-34 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

69.Carolina Dog
The Asian pariah dog and the Carolina Dog are thought to have shared a common ancestor. They crossed the Bering Strait with traders 9,000 years ago and slowly moved southward until they reached the southern United States. Carolina Dogs are often wary and reserved, but as soon as a dog takes a person into its group, these traits vanish.
Height- 17.75-19.5 inches
Weight- 30-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

70.Catahoula Leopard Dog
An American canine breed called the Catahoula Leopard Dog is named after Catahoula Parish in Louisiana. In 1979, it was designated as Louisiana’s mascot. The American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service refers to it as Catahoula Leopard Dog, whereas the United Kennel Club recognizes it as Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog.
Height- 22-24 inches
Weight- 50-95 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

71.Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Large livestock guardians known as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs or Caucasian Ovcharkas are indigenous to the Caucasus area, namely Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ossetia, Stavropol Krai, Krasnodar Krai, and Dagestan. However, they aren’t the ideal option if you have small children because of their enormous size and capacity for violence.
Height- 23-30 inches
Weight- 99-170 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

72.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a toy breed of miniature spaniel that was developed in the United Kingdom and is recognized by both The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. It now ranks as the 17th most popular pure-breed in the country after increasing in popularity since 2000. The friendly, clever, and devoted Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is perfect for families or “empty nesters.”
Height- 12-13 inches
Weight- 13-18 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

73.Central Asian Shepherd Dog
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, sometimes called the Alabay or Alabai, is a breed of canine used to protect cattle. The breed has historically served as a guard dog for sheep and goat herds as well as a protector. If threatened, they may bite with a force of 500 to 650 pounds per square inch. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs should not live in apartments since they require a large, fenced-in yard. Apartment life is not suitable for them.
Height- Minimum: 25.5-27.5 inches
Weight- Minimum: 88-110 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

74.Cesky Terrier
In order to produce a terrier that would be appropriate for hunting in the forests of Bohemia, a Czech breeder named Frantiek Horak crossed a Sealyham Terrier with a Scottish Terrier in 1948. Despite being purebred dogs, you could encounter them at shelters and rescues.
Height- 10-13 inches
Weight- 14-24 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

75.Chesapeake Bay Retriever
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a large-sized dog breed that falls under the sports breed, gundog, and retriever breed categories. The breed was created in the Chesapeake Bay region of the United States in the nineteenth century. A water dog employed to hunt and recover waterfowl in the frigid chop of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay gave rise to the breed of dog known as the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The dog was perfect for the job because of its strong constitution, thick coat, endurance, and strength.
Height- 23-26 in (male), 21-24 in (female)
Weight- 65-80 lb (male), 55-70 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

Cheapest dog in the world, one of the tiniest dog breeds, the Chihuahua is named for the Chihuahuan state in Mexico. The tiniest purebred dogs, Chihuahuas, or Chis as they are fondly known, have distinct personalities, are clever, and can be extremely feisty. If introduced appropriately, they become affectionate and devoted companions that often get along well with kids and other animals.
Height- 5-8 inches
Weight- not exceeding 6 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

77.Chinese Crested
A dog breed without hair is the Chinese Crested Dog. The Chinese Crested Dog is available in three varieties—the Powderpuff, the Hairless, and the Hairy-Hairless—with hair, without hair, and a mix of the two, which can all be born in the same litter. If it walks outside without sunscreen, its skin is vulnerable to burns.
Height- 5-8 inches
Weight- not exceeding 6 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

78.Chinese Shar-Pei
Southern China is the origin of the Shar Pei dog breed. The Shar Pei was brought dangerously close to extinction in the 20th century due to its traditional use as a watchdog and property defender. While a conventional, less wrinkled variant of the breed is being preserved in Hong Kong, the breed is most recognized for its deep wrinkles in the West.
Height- 18-20 inches
Weight- 45-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 8-12 years

The Chinook is an all-purpose sled dog created for drafting and sled dog racing. It is a rather uncommon breed. This athletic breed is equally comfortable lounging on the couch with his human family as he is hiking. The Foundation Stock Service Program includes them.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 55-90 lb (male), 50-65 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

80.Chow Chow
The guard dog breed known as the Chow Chow originated in northern China. The Chow Chow is a sturdy-built dog with a square in profile. It has short, triangular, upright ears with rounded ends. The breed is distinguished by a highly dense double coat that can be either rough or smooth. One of the more costly breeds is the chow chow. Typically, they go from $1,000 to $4,000.
Height- 17-20 inches
Weight- 45-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 8-12 years

81.Cirneco dell’Etna
Sicily in the Mediterranean is home to the Italian hunting dog breed known as the Cirneco dell’Etna. It has the name of the eastern Sicilian volcano Etna. It is employed to hunt small animals, especially rabbits, for which there are specialist field trials. It has a good sense of smell.
Height- 18-19.5 in (male), 16.5-18 in (female)
Weight- 22-26 Lb (male), 17-22 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

82.Clumber Spaniel
The Clumber Spaniel is a spaniel-type dog breed that originated in the United Kingdom. It is the biggest spaniel breed and is primarily white with either lemon or orange markings. Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire, where the breed was initially created, inspired the name of the breed. Spaniels, which may be more expensive and cost more than $1,200, are primarily bred for dog shows.
Height- 18-20 in (male), 17-19 in (female)
Weight- 70-85 Lb (male), 55-70 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

83.Cocker Spaniel
A spaniel-type dog breed that originated in the UK is the Clumber Spaniel. The biggest breed of spaniels, it is mostly white with either lemon or orange markings. The breed’s name comes from Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire, where it was initially created. Additionally, the majority of spaniels are bred for dog shows; they can be more expensive and cost more than $1,200.
Height- 14.5-15.5 in (male), 13.5-14.5 in (female)
Weight- 25-30 Lb (male), 20-25 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

The majority of people believe Border Collies to be the brightest breed of dog, making them the brainiacs of the canine world.
Collies, together with other related landraces and standardized breeds, make up a unique group of herding dogs. Northern England and Scotland are where the kind first appeared. Collies have pointed snouts and are medium-sized, somewhat light-built canines. Over the shoulders, several varieties have a characteristic white tint.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 60-75 Lb (male), 50-65 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

85.Coton de Tulear
A tiny dog breed known as the Coton de Tuléar was named after the city of Tuléar in Madagascar. This breed is said to have come about as a result of a bunch of little white dogs swimming across the Malagasy channel after a shipwreck. The cost of a Coton de Tulear is typically around $3,000.
Height- 10-11 in (male), 9-10 in (female)
Weight- 9-15 lb (male), 8-13 Lb(female)
LifeSpan- 15-19 years

86.Croatian Sheepdog
It won’t be simple to find this breed. Both globally and in the United States, they are quite uncommon. Croatian Sheepdogs moderately shed, thus maintaining their coats is not too difficult. Along with routine bathing, a decent brushing once a week should be enough. These dogs are quite active.
Height- 16-20 inches
Weight- 29-44 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-14 years

87.Curly-Coated Retriever
The Curly-Coated Retriever is a canine breed that was developed in England for the purpose of waterfowl and upland bird hunting. The mound of tightly curled hair covering its body makes it the tallest of the retrievers, making it easy to identify. One of the oldest retriever breeds in existence is the Curly.
Height- 25-27 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 60-95 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

88.Czechoslovakian Vlcak
In 1955, an experiment was done in Czechoslovakia that resulted in the development of the breed known as the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. Specifically, the Czechoslovak wolfdog is 6.25 percent “pure wolf” and 93.75 percent “pure German shepherd.” Depending on where you reside, it could be difficult to locate this breed of Wolfdog.
Height- Minimum: 23.5-25.5 inches
Weight- Minimum: 44-57 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

89. Dachshund
The dachshund is a hound-type dog breed with short legs and a long body. Other names for this breed include wiener dog, badger dog, and sausage dog. The dog may have long hair, wire hair, or smooth hair. The typical dachshund was created to detect, hunt, and flush out badgers and other creatures that live in burrows.
Height- 8-9 in (standard),5-6 in (miniature)
Weight- 16-32 Lb (standard), 11 Lb & under (miniature)
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

90. Dalmatian
A medium-sized dog breed known for its distinctive white coat with black or brown patches is the Dalmatian. It started out as a hunting dog and was later employed as a carriage dog. This breed’s ancestors originated in Dalmatia, a historical area of Croatia that is now part of the country.
Height- 19-24 inches
Weight- 45-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

91. Dandie Dinmont Terrier
A little Scottish dog breed in the terrier family is called a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. The breed has small legs, a very long torso, and a peculiar hairstyle on top of its head. They are appropriate for engagement with older kids since they are tough but friendly. It has added the Dandie Dinmont terrier to its list of endangered native breeds.
Height- 8-11 inches
Weight- 18-24 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

92.Danish-Swedish Farmdog
The Danish-Swedish farmdog is a dog breed that originated in southern Sweden and Denmark but has now gained popularity across Scandinavia. It is a local breed that, in the past, has resided on farms in the eastern portion of Denmark and the extreme south of Sweden, acting as a guard dog, rat catcher, and hunting dog.
Height- 12.5-14.5 inches
Weight- 15-20 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

93.Deutscher Wachtelhund
The German Spaniel, also known as the Deutscher Wachtelhund, is a dog breed used for hunting that was created in Germany sometime about 1890. The Stöber category, which has been present in Germany for more than 300 years, is thought to have only one remaining member, the Deutscher Wachtelhund.
Height- 18-21 inches
Weight- 40-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

94.Doberman Pinscher
The Dobermann, also known as the Doberman Pinscher in the United States and Canada, is a medium-sized domestic dog breed that was first created by German tax collector Louis Dobermann in 1890. The muzzle of the Dobermann is lengthy. It often does not have hefty feet and stands on its pads.
Height- 26-28 in (male), 24-26 in (female)
Weight- 75-100 Lb (male), 60-90 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

95.Dogo Argentino
The Dogo Argentino is a giant, white, powerful dog breed that was created in Argentina especially for the purpose of hunting big game, such as wild boar. Antonio Nores Martnez, the breeder, also desired a dog that would show unwavering bravery and voluntarily defend its human companion.
Height- 24-26.5 in (male), 24-25.5 in (female)
Weight- 80-100 pounds
LifeSpan- 9-15 years

96.Dogue de Bordeaux
Large French mastiffs include the Dogue de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Mastiff, French Mastiff, or Bordeaux Dog. The Bordeaux is a classic brachycephalic mastiff breed and a highly strong, muscular dog. This powerful breed has been used for flock protection, moving big things, and hauling wagons.
Height- 23.27 in (male), 23-26 in (female)
Weight- 110 lb & up (male), 99 Lb & up (female)
LifeSpan- 5-8 years

97.Drentsche Patrijshond
The adaptable hunting dog known as the Drentsche Patrijshond is from the Dutch region of Drenthe. Around 5,000 dogs are registered with the breed club in the Netherlands, where they are known as Dutch Partridge Dogs. Breed groups are also active in Belgium, Denmark, Scandinavia, and North America.
Height- 23.27 in (male), 23-26 in (female)
Weight- 110 lb & up (male), 99 Lb & up (female)
LifeSpan- 5-8 years

A short-legged Swedish scenthound dog breed called the Drever is employed to hunt deer and other types of wildlife. The Westphalian Dachsbracke, a breed of German dog known as Bracke, is the ancestor of the Drever. 1947 saw the selection of the breed name Drever following a competition.
Height- 12-15 inches
Weight- 35-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 15 years

99.Dutch Shepherd
Herding dogs of Dutch descent include the Dutch Shepherd. They were employed by shepherds and farmers who required a flexible dog with low requirements and one that could adjust to a difficult life.
Height- 21.5-24.5 inches
Weight- 42-75 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-14 years

100. English Cocker Spaniel
Gun dogs include the English Cocker Spaniel breed. It stands out among dog breeds for having one of the widest ranges of puppies in a litter. The English Cocker Spaniel is a compactly formed, cheerful, and athletic dog that stands high up at the withers.
Height- 16-17 in (male), 15-16 in (female)
Weight- 28-34 Lb (male), 26-32 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

101.English Foxhound
One of the four foxhound dog breeds is the English Foxhound. It is the American Foxhound’s relative. They were created as scent-hounds specifically to pursue foxes. The English Foxhound, one of the four foxhound breeds, is the most uncommon canine variety in the United States.
Height- 24 inches
Weight- 60-75 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

102.English Setter
Among dog breeds, the English Setter is a medium-sized one. The red Irish Setter, Irish Red and White Setter, and black-and-tan Gordon Setter are all members of the setter breed. The body coat, which is mostly white, is medium length and has long, silky fringes on the tail, beneath the belly, and the backs of the legs.
Height- 25-27 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 65-80 pounds (male), 45-55 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 12 years

103.English Springer Spaniel
A breed of gundog in the Spaniel group that has historically been employed for flushing and retrieving game is the English Springer Spaniel. It has an average lifetime of twelve to fourteen years and is a loving, vivacious breed. These canines are not the best choice for sedentary households.
Height- 20 in (male), 19 in (female)
Weight- 50 pounds (male), 40 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

104. English Toy Spaniel
The English Toy Spaniel is known as a King Charles Spaniel in England, in honor of King Charles I. The British royal family like to keep these little dogs as pets. A little dog breed of the spaniel type is the King Charles Spaniel. The Kennel Club merged four distinct toy spaniel breeds under this single name in 1903.
Height- 9-10 inches
Weight- 8-14 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

105. Entlebucher Mountain Dog
The smallest of the four regional varieties that make up the Sennenhund dog type is the medium-sized Entlebucher Sennenhund, also known as the Entlebucher Mountain Dog. The Sennenhund gets its name from the Senn people, who tended sheep in the Swiss Alps. Switzerland’s canton of Lucerne contains the area of Entlebuch.
Height- 17-21 in (male), 16-20 in (female)
Weight- 50-65 pounds (male), 40-55 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

106. Estrela Mountain Dog
A huge dog breed developed in Portugal’s Estrela Mountains to protect herds and farms, the Estrela Mountain Dog. One of the Iberian Peninsula’s “oldest breeds,” The pure breed is in danger of going extinct since it is not particularly well-liked in other regions of the world.
Height- 24.5-29 inches
Weight- 77-132 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

Germany is the country where the Eurasian dog was first developed. It has a solid attachment with its family, a dignified restraint among outsiders, and is generally simple to train. Additionally, the Eurasier received a blue-black tongue from its Chow Chow ancestors. They are clearly recognized for the ridge of hair on their back, Thai Ridgebacks are relatively seldom seen outside of Thailand.
Height- 19-24 inches
Weight- 40-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

108.Field Spaniel
A medium-sized spaniel-type dog breed is the field spaniel. They were not well-liked for use as working hunting dogs and were initially bred to be all-black display dogs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Field Spaniel was developed in England in the nineteenth century. Because of the enormous popularity of the Cocker Spaniel, this breed is still somewhat uncommon.
Height- 18 inches (male), 17 inches (female)
Weight- 35-50 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

109.Finnish Lapphund
The medium-sized Finnish Lapphund is a robust, laid-back Spitz breed. It has historically been employed to herd reindeer. Its origin is in Finland.It is not widely distributed outside of the Nordic nations. It is a medium-sized dog with a thick, water-resistant double coat, an upturned tail, and an outgoing, vivacious disposition.
Height- 18-21 in (male), 16-19 in (female)
Weight- 33-53 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

110.Finnish Spitz
Dogs of the Finnish Spitz breed are native to Finland. The breed was initially taught to hunt a variety of prey, including bears and rodents like squirrels. There’s a good reason why these dogs are dubbed “bark pointers.” They love to bark.
Height- 17.5-20 in (male), 15.5-18 in(female)
Weight- 25-33 Lb (male), 20-28 Lb(female)
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

111.Flat-Coated Retriever
The Flat-coated Retriever is a breed of gundog that was developed in England. It was created to be a retriever that could swim and run on land. These dogs have a high level of intelligence and activity, and they often continue to act like puppies long into maturity.
Height- 23-24.5 in (male), 22-23.5 in(female)
Weight- 60-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 8-10 years

112.French Bulldog
One of the most luxurious and expensive dogs, owned by many American celebs is the Frenchie. The French Bulldog is a breed of toy dog native to France. It first arrived in Paris in the middle of the 19th century and is said to have originated from a crossbreeding between Toy Bulldogs brought over from England and native Parisian ratters.
Height- 11-13 inches
Weight- under 28 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

113.French Spaniel
The setter-like Spaniel breed includes the French Spaniel. It is a hunting dog that originated in France and Canada and is related to dogs from the 14th century. Even this may be too much for your dog to bear, therefore it’s crucial that your Cocker is never left alone for longer than four hours.
Height- 21.5-24 inches
Weight- 50-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

114.German Longhaired Pointer
Germans created the German Longhaired Pointer breed. It serves as a versatile gundog. The German Wirehaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, and the Large Münsterländer, a former member of the breed, are all near relatives. They are known as Deutsch-Langhaar, or the German Longhair, in their own country. Despite being purebred, you could still be able to discover these dogs in shelters and rescues.
Height- 22-28 inches
Weight- 55-80 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

115.German Pinscher
A member of the Pinscher and Schnauzer family of terriers, the German Pinscher is also known as the Deutscher Pinscher. It is essentially a short-haired version of the Schnauzer, with which it has shared ancestry. Due to their rarity, German pinschers could not always be accessible in all places.
Height- 17-20 inches
Weight- 25-45 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

116.German Shepherd Dog
The German Shepherd is among the top three breeds of intelligent canines, having the mental development of a human toddler. The German Shepherd is often regarded as the most intelligent and trainable breed of dog. The medium- to large-sized German working dog breed known as the German Shepherd or Alsatian.
Height- 24-26 in (male), 22-24 in (female)
Weight- 65-90 Lb (male), 50-70 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7-10 years

117.German Shorthaired Pointer
GSPs rank as the 19th brightest dog breed for obedience and working IQ, according to canine psychologist Stanley Coren. The German Shorthaired Pointer is a medium- to large-sized pointing dog breed that was created in Germany in the 19th century for hunting. They are an adaptable hunting breed with strong legs and a sleek, robust build that makes them excellent for both land and water.
Height- 23-25 in (male), 21-23 in (female)
Weight- 55-70 Lb (male), 45-60 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

118.German Spitz
German-born spitz-like canines are known as the German Spitz. The Wolfsspitz, Giant Spitz, Medium Spitz, Miniature Spitz, and Pomeranian are all considered to be one breed but exist in five different sizes and colors.
Height- Toy 8 – 12, Med 12-16, Large 16 -20
Weight- Toy 10-11 lbs, Med 15 – 25 lbs, Large 30- 50 lbs
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

119.German Wirehaired Pointer
A medium- to large-sized griffon-type breed of dog, the German Wirehaired Pointer was created in Germany in the 19th century for adaptable hunting. In the latter decades of the 20th century, it rose to prominence as a gun dog in Germany. At two to three years old, German Shorthaired Pointers often become calmer.
Height- 24-26 in(male), minimum 22 in(female)
Weight- 50-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

120.Giant Schnauzer
German dog breeders in the 17th century created the Giant Schnauzer. It is the biggest of the three Schnauzer breeds; the Standard Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer are the other two varieties. When playing, giant schnauzer pups frequently bite. This kind of conduct is not necessary as they become older.
Height- 25.5-27.5 in (male), 23.5-25.5 in (female)
Weight- 60-85 Lb (male), 55-75 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

121.Glen of Imaal Terrier
One of the four Irish terrier breeds is the Glen of Imaal Terrier, a type of dog in the terrier family. The breed’s name is sometimes abbreviated by enthusiasts to just “Glen,” and it is also known as the Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier or the Wicklow Terrier. There are between 600 and 700 Glens registered in the country.
Height- 12.5-14 inches
Weight- 32-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

122.Golden Retriever
A medium-sized retriever dog, the Golden Retriever is a Scottish breed. It has a stunning golden coat and a kind, friendly disposition. In numerous Western nations, it is one of the most frequently recognized breeds and is regularly kept as a pet. In comparison to female Golden Retrievers, males are sillier and more lively.
Height- 23-24 in (male), 21.5-22.5 in (female)
Weight- 65-75 Lb (male), 55-65 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

123.Gordon Setter
The Gordon Setter is a big dog breed and a member of the setter family, which also includes the Irish Setter and the English Setter, two breeds that are more well-known. Depending on the national kennel club or council, setter breeds are either categorized as belonging to the Sporting Group or the Gundog Group.
Height- 24-27 in (male), 23-26 in (female)
Weight- 55-80 Lb (male), 45-70 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

124.Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
The Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen, sometimes known as the GBGV, is a French dog breed. The French scenthound known as the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen. GBGVs are busy dogs that don’t get quickly tired, yet they are moderately energetic and never easily stressed.
Height- 15.5-18 inches
Weight- 40-45 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

125.Great Dane
The famous Scooby Doo is a breed of Great Dane! The enormous dog breed known as the Great Dane originated in Germany. The Great Dane is a descendant of hunting dogs that were employed in the Middle Ages to hunt deer and wild boar as well as serve as guard dogs for German royalty. Together with its cousin, the Irish Wolfhound, it is one of the biggest breeds in the world.
Height- 30-32 in (male), 28-30 in (female)
Weight- 140-175 Lb (male), 110-140 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7-10 years

126.Great Pyrenees
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog, also known as the Patou in France, is a breed of livestock guardian dog. The Pyrenees Mountains, which divide France and Spain, are home to this breed. Use positive reinforcement by praising your Pyrenees anytime it behaves properly to train it to be a fantastic dog.
Height- 27-32 in (male), 25-29 in (female)
Weight- 100 Lb & up (male), 85 Lb & up (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

127.Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
In the Swiss Alps, a canine breed called the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog was created. The term “Sennenhund” refers to dairymen and herders in the Swiss Alps who go by the names Senn or Senner. Even today, in both their home Switzerland and the United States, Swissys remain an uncommon breed.
Height- 25.5-28.5 in (male), 23.7-27 in (female)
Weight- 115-140 Lb (male), 85-110 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 8-11 years

The English Greyhound, sometimes known as the Greyhound, is a sighthound breed of dog that was developed for both greyhound racing and game coursing. Greyhounds have had a comeback in favor as household pets with the growth in the widespread adoption of retired racing dogs.
Height- 28-30 in (male), 27-28 in (female)
Weight- 65-70 Lb (male), 60-65 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

The Harrier is a hound-class medium-sized dog breed that is trained to trail hares for prey. It is smaller, but not as little as a Beagle, and resembles an English Foxhound. It has been in use since the middle of the 13th century.
Height- 19-21 inches
Weight- 45-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

130.Hanoverian Scenthound
Originally from Germany, the Hanover verian Scenthound is a breed of dog. They are calm, independent, and devoted young dogs with some of the greatest traits of the majority of dog breeds in use today. Other names for the Hanoverian Scenthound are Hannoverscher Schweisshund, Hanoverian Hound, and Hanoverian Scent Dog.
Height- 19-21 inches
Weight- 79-99 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

The dog breed known as the Hamiltonstövare was developed as a hunting hound. The breed was created in Sweden by Count Adolf Hamilton, who also founded the Swedish Kennel Club. Along with English Foxhounds and Harriers, some German hounds are among its ancestors.
Height- 19-24 inches
Weight- 40-75 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-17 years

Hokkaido is a breed that is relatively uncommon, even in its native Japan. They are vivacious, lively, and devoted to their owners. The breed is also known as Ainu-ken, Seta, and Ainu dog. Its name is occasionally abbreviated to D-ken in Japan. Hokkaido is a native of the same-named prefecture in Japan.
Height- 18-20 inches
Weight- 44-66 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

German breeds of medium-sized to giant dogs include the Hovawart. The name derives from the Middle High German words hova and wart, which indicate “yard-watcher” or “farm-watcher.” These powerful dogs were created to be outstanding search and rescue canines as well as tracking dogs by being able to tolerate the many sorts of terrain in their surroundings.
Height- 23-28 inches
Weight- 65-90 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

134.Ibizan Hound
The Ibizan Hound is a hound-family dog that is slender and quick. The breed has two different hair types: smooth and wire. The smooth form is the more typical one to observe. Some people think there’s a third type—long—but the longhair is probably just a wire variety. In the United States, this breed of dog is quite uncommon.
Height- 23.5-27.5 in (male), 22.5-26 in(female)
Weight- 50 pounds (male), 45 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 11-14 years

135.Icelandic Sheepdog
A spitz-type dog breed descended from the canines the Vikings brought to Iceland is known as the Icelandic Sheepdog. It shares a type with the Welsh Corgi, the Shetland Sheepdog, and the Norwegian Buhund. In the rural areas of Iceland, they are frequently employed to herd sheep. Throughout the world, the Icelandic sheepdog is an uncommon breed.
Height- 18 in (male), 16.5 in (female)
Weight- 30 pounds (male), 25 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

136.Irish Red and White Setter
A kind of dog is the Irish Red and White Setter. It is categorized as a gundog in the UK, as is the case with all setters, and is a member of the sports group in the US and Canada. The breed was on the verge of extinction during World War I with just 500 canines in North America, not including those in Ireland.
Height- 24.5-26 inches (male), 22.5-24 inches (female)
Weight- 42-60 Lb (male), 35-50 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 11-15 years

137.Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is a kind of setter, a household dog, and a breed of gundog. Both the show-bred dog recognized by the American Kennel Club and the field-bred Red Setter recognized by the Field Dog Stud Book are together referred to as Irish Setters. Irish R&W Setters are susceptible to hypothyroidism, a common disorder in which the body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone.
Height- 27 in (male), 25 in (female)
Weight- 70 Lb (male), 60 Lb (female)
LifeSpan-12-15 years

138.Irish Terrier
One of several terrier dog breeds is the Irish Terrier, which originated in Ireland. One of the oldest terrier breeds is the Irish Terrier. The first dog show to provide a distinct class for Irish Terriers occurred in Dublin in 1873. Nothing in the home will be safe from his chewing if the Irish Terrier is left alone since he may easily turn into a destructive Irish Terrier.
Height- 18 inches
Weight- 27 Lb (male), 25 Lb (female)
LifeSpan-13-15 years

139.Irish Water Spaniel
One of the oldest dog organizations in the world, the Irish Water Spaniel Club of Ireland supports and promotes one of the most prestigious and ancient breeds of dogs. The Irish Kennel Club has the club’s registration information. In the 1830s, Ireland produced the modern breed as we know it today.
Height- 22-24 in (male), 21-23 in (female)
Weight- 55-68 Lb (male), 45-58 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

140.Irish Wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound is a legendary sighthound dog breed from Ireland that has influenced literature, poetry, and mythology due to its presence and imposing size. Like all sighthounds, it was trained to hunt game quickly. It was also renowned as a guard dog, with a focus on wolf protection and wolf hunting.
Height- 32 in minimum (male), 30 in minimum (female)
Weight- 120 lb (male), 105 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 6-8 years

141.Italian Greyhound
A little sighthound breed from Italy is called an Italian Greyhound. Another name for it is the Italian Sighthound. Italian greyhounds, while being little, bark rather than yap, and they are happy to do so to warn their owners of oncoming outsiders. The Italian Greyhound is lively, attentive, extremely intelligent, and very lovable.
Height- 13-15 inches
Weight- 7-14 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-15 years

The German-bred working terrier known as the “Jagdterrier” is employed to hunt prey both above and below ground. The German Hunt Terrier is another name for this kind of terrier. Old English Fox Terriers and other Black and Tan Hunting Terriers were crossed to produce the first Jagdterriers. Welsh Terriers, English Wirehaired Terriers, and German Pinschers are some other breed ancestors.
Height- 13-16 inches
Weight- 17-22 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

143.Japanese Akitainu
The Akita is a huge, ancient breed of dog that originated in the northern Japanese highlands. Akita comes in two distinct varieties: a pure Japanese breed known as Akita Inu and a hybrid American strain that is often bigger. Typically, akita dogs cost between 25,000 and 60,000 JPY. Akita pups can cost as little as 200,000 JPY or as much as 450 000 JPY.
Height- 25-27.5 in (male), 22.5-25 in (female)
Weight- 65-75 lb (male), 55-65 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

144.Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin, commonly referred to as the Japanese Spaniel, is a canine breed distinguished by ocular strabismus. This small breed has a unique history as a lap dog and a companion dog. Queen Alexandra possessed 261 of them as royal patrons!
Height- 8-11 inches
Weight- 7-11 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

145.Japanese Spitz
A tiny to medium-sized breed of dog of the Spitz type is the Japanese Spitz. The optimal size of the breed is subject to different regulations across the world, although they are always bigger than their tiny cousins, the Pomeranians.
Height- 12-15 inches
Weight- 10-25 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

146.Japanese Terrier
Small terriers are endemic to Japan, including the Japanese Terrier. It is thought that it is a descendant of native Japanese dogs, pointers, and fox terrier varieties. It typically has a black head and a body that is mostly white with a few tiny black markings.
Height- 10-13 inches
Weight- 10-12 lbs
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

The Jindo dog is a breed of canine that is unique to South Korea’s Jindo Island. It is revered for its fidelity and homing sense and is considered one of South Korea’s Natural Treasures. A fairly uncommon breed is the Korean Jindo. Some adult Korean Jindos or Jindo hybrids may become involved in a rescue operation.
Height- 19-22 (males), 17-20 (females)
Weight- 40 -50 (males), 30-40 (females)
LifeSpan- 14-15 years

148.Kai Ken
The Japanese dog breed known as the Kai Ken is protected as a national treasure. It is one of the six original Japanese dog breeds protected by the Nihon Ken Hozonkai and is a rare breed even in its own country. With an estimated 12,000 to 14,000 Tiger Dogs, the majority of Kai Ken live in their native Japan.
Height- 18.5 – 19.5 (males), 15.5 – 17 (females)
Weight- 30-40 (males), 25-35 (females)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

149.Karelian Bear Dog
A canine breed from Finland is called the Karelian Bear Dog. It is widely regarded as a national treasure in its own country. Karelian Bear Dogs will pursue a wide range of prey. It is highly well-liked for hunting big game, including tiny black bears, moose, and wild boar, because of its rapid reflexes and brave disposition.
Height- 19-23.5 inches
Weight- 44-49 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

A medium-sized dog with a ruff and a curled tail, the Keeshond has a luxurious, two-layer coat of silver and black fur. The German spitzes, such as the Großspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz, or Pomeranian, are its closest cousins. It is a Dutch breed.
Height- 18 in (male), 17 in (female)
Weight- 35-45 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

151.Kerry Blue Terrier
There is a dog breed called the Kerry Blue Terrier. Over time, the Kerry became a general working dog used for a range of tasks, including herding cattle and sheep and acting as a guard dog. The Kerry was originally developed to combat vermin, including rats, rabbits, badgers, foxes, otters, and hares.
Height- 18-19.5 in (male), 17.5-19 in (female)
Weight- 33-40 pounds (male)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

152.Kishu Ken
A Japanese canine breed known as the Kishu, also known as the Kishu Inu or Kishu dog. It is called for the Kishu area, which is now Mie Prefecture and Wakayama Prefecture, and is descended from old medium-sized breeds. Similar breeds include the Kai Ken, Shikoku, and Hokkaido.
Height- 19-22 inches
Weight- 30-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

The Komondor is a big, white-colored Hungarian breed of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat, often known as the Hungarian sheepdog. The Komondor dog breed, sometimes known as “mop dogs,” is a well-known one that is frequently used to protect cattle and other types of property. During World War II, imports were halted, and the Komondor nearly went extinct in Europe.
Height- 27.5 minimum in (male), 25.5 minimum in (female)
Weight- 100 lb or more (male), 80 lb or more (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

The dog breed known as Kromi, or Kromfohrländer, has its roots in Germany. As a companion dog, it is utilized. Especially long lived, generally living to be between 17 and 18 years old. Often referred to as a “one-person dog,” they are extremely devoted to their people.
Height- 15-18 inches
Weight- 20-35 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

A typical breed of flock guardian dog in Hungary is the Kuvasz. The breed is mentioned in vintage Hungarian writings. Over the past 70 years, more and more people have started keeping them as pets in their homes instead of using them as royal guard dogs or livestock guardians. Less than 30 members of the breed are thought to have survived the conflict. Outside of Hungary’s borders, they are still a rare sight.
Height- 28-30 in (male), 26-28 in(female)
Weight- 100-115 lb (male), 70-90 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

156.Labrador Retriever
The British breed of retriever gun dog known as the Labrador Retriever or Labrador. It was created in the UK using fishing dogs imported from the Newfoundland colony, and it was given the Labrador region’s name. They are regarded as the greatest household pets and the most popular breed in the USA.
Height- 22.5-24.5 in (male), 21.5-23.5 in (female)
Weight- 65-80 lb (male), 55-70 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

157.Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed originated in Italy. Its origins are in the marshes of the Italian subregion of Romagna’s eastern Delta del Po. The name comes from the Romagnol word can lagt, which means “water dog.” A Romagnolo expert on the breed, Gilberto Grandi, refers to lagotto—a Venetian/Romagnan dialect word that means “duck dog”—as “the Italian counterpart of the Irish Water Spaniel.”
Height- 17-19 in (male), 16-18 in (female)
Weight- 28.5-35 Lb (male), 24-31 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 15-17 years

158.Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier is a breed of dog that gets its name from the English Lake District, where it was first developed. The canine belongs to the Terrier family and is tiny to medium in size. Despite having a distinct personality all its own, it gets along well with owners and all other family members and is generally hypoallergenic.
Height- 14.5-15 inches (male), slightly smaller (female)
Weight- 17 pounds (male), slightly smaller (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

159.Lancashire Heeler
A tiny canine breed called the Lancashire Heeler was created to be used as a drover and cattle herder. The Kennel Club has the Lancashire Heeler on their list of endangered breeds. Currently, there are about 250 Lancashire Heelers in the country.
Height- 10-12 inches
Weight- 9-17 pound
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

160.Lapponian Herder
Due to their medium stature and medium hair, Lapponian Herders are ideal for any seasoned dog owner and simple to keep. Finding a Lapponian Herder in the United States could be challenging because they are an uncommon breed. In its native Finland and Sweden, it is more prevalent. Although a little timid around strangers, this breed is quite amiable and well-mannered.
Height- 18-20 inches
Weight- 70 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

The name of the dog breed, the Leonberger, comes from the German city of Leonberg in the Baden-Württemberg region. They nearly became extinct during World War I because people could not afford to feed them. The few canines that did survive were carefully bred up until World War II, when they were almost all lost once more.
Height- 28-31.5 in (male), 25.5-29.5 in (female)
Weight- 110-170 lb (male), 90-140 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7 years

162.Lhasa Apso
Tibet gave rise to the non-sporting dog breed known as the Lhasa Apso. As an interior sentinel, it has historically been utilized. Although Lhasa Apsos have a well-deserved reputation for biting, this is mostly only a myth. Dominant behavior can develop into violent conduct if left uncontrolled.
Height- 10-11 inches (male), slightly smaller (female)
Weight- 12-18 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

A type of little dog is called a löwchen, or Little Lion Dog. Like the Portuguese Water Dog and the Havanese, the Löwchen previously held the dubious distinction of being the rarest dog in the entire world. There were just 65 registered members of the breed in 1973.
Height- 10-11 inches (male), slightly smaller (female)
Weight- 12-18 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

164.Manchester Terrier (Standard)
The Manchester Terrier is a smooth-haired terrier breed of dog. It was initially developed in the 19th century to eradicate pests, particularly rats, at which it was quite effective. Manchester terriers of the standard size are heavier and taller than pinschers of the small size.
Height- 15-16 inches
Weight- 12-22 pounds
LifeSpan- 15-17 years

Both a modern breed of dog in the toy group and a historical kind of miniature canine typically connected with the island of Malta are referred to as “Maltese dogs.” The modern type has genetic ancestry with the breeds of Bichon, Bolognese, and Havanese.
Height- 7-9 inches
Weight- under 7 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

166.Manchester Terrier (Toy)
The Manchester Terrier is a smooth-haired terrier breed of dog. It was initially developed in the 19th century to eradicate pests, particularly rats, at which it was quite effective. The regular Manchester Terrier is scaled down to create the Toy Manchester Terrier.
Height- 10-12 inches
Weight- under 12 pounds
LifeSpan- 15-17 years

A mastiff is a big, strong breed of dog. The head of a mastiff is massive and bulky, the nose is broad and short (brachycephalic), and the ears are drooping and pendant-shaped. Mastiffs are among the largest dogs. They often have a short coat, a long low-set tail, and enormous feet. Mastiffs have traditionally served as watchdogs.
The Andronicus Mastiff is the rarest mastiff breed.
Height- 30 in & up (male), 27.5 in & up (female)
Weight- 160-230 lb (male), 120-170 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 6-10 years

168.Miniature American Shepherd
The Miniature American Shepherd, sometimes known as MAS, is a little breed of herding dog. The MAS is quite smart and bribable. The breed is frequently prepared for dog sports such as flyball, agility, canine freestyle, and herding. If they become bored, they will bark nonstop or try to break out of a fenced-in yard.
Height- 14-18 in (male), 13-17 in (female)
Weight- 20-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

169.Miniature Bull Terrier
The extinct English White Terrier, the Dalmatian, and the Bulldog are the ancestors of the miniature bull terrier breed. The Dogs of British Island, published in 1872, details the first occurrence. Although the bull terrier likes outside activities in the cold, its short coat makes it unsuitable for outdoor life.
Height- 10-14 inches
Weight- 18-28 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

170.Miniature Pinscher
The Miniature Pinscher is a tiny dog breed of the pinscher type that originated in Germany. It is sometimes referred to as the Zwergpinscher and Min Pin. The German Pinscher and Italian greyhounds and dachshunds may have been the breed’s initial forebears. Animals with persistent phobias, stress, or anxiety may shake.
Height- 10-12.5 inches
Weight- 8-10 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

171.Miniature Schnauzer
A medium-sized dog breed of the Schnauzer type, the Miniature Schnauzer was developed in Germany in the middle to late 19th century. They may bark for a variety of causes, including being alarmed, hungry, or bored or melancholy. possible animal hostility.
Height- 12-14 inches
Weight- 11-20 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

172.Mountain Cur
A breed of working dog called the Mountain Cur was developed expressly for treeing and tagging small animals, such as squirrels and raccoons. They serve as general-purpose farm dogs as well as being employed for hunting and baying large wildlife like bears and wild boar. being one of the rarest dog breeds, maybe.
Height- 18 – 26 (males), 16 – 24 (females)
Weight- 30-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

A herding dog breed from Hungary is called the Mudi. It has a family tree with the Puli and Pumi, from which it split off in the 1930s. They are still employed for herding and take part in a number of dog sports. Less than 500 exist in the United States.
Height- 15-18.5 inches
Weight- 18-29 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

174.Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff, also known as the Mastino Napoletano, is a gigantic dog breed from Italy. It is related to the classic Italian guard dogs. In 1949, the Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana recognized it as a breed, and in 1956, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognized it as a breed.
Height- 26-31 in (male), 24-29 in (female)
Weight- 150 lb (male), 110 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 7-9 years

175.Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a very old breed that dates back to the late Middle Ages and has been depicted in artwork by Dutch artists. The Kooikerhondje was created in the Netherlands sometime around the 16th century as a breed to be used in tolling, a method of luring ducks into traps.
Height- Dogs 16″, Females 15″
Weight- 20 – 30 lbs
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

A big worker dog, the Newfoundland. They might be white, gray, brown, or black. However, only black and Landseer-colored dogs were regarded as legitimate members of the breed in the Dominion of Newfoundland, which existed prior to it joining the Confederation of Canada. It is said to be one of the smartest dog breeds.
Height- 28 in (average male), 26 in (average female)
Weight- 130-150 pounds (male), 100-120 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 9-10 years

177.Norfolk Terrier
A dog breed from Great Britain is the Norfolk Terrier. It was formerly a variant of the Norwich Terrier, differentiated from the “prick eared” Norwich by its “drop ears,” until becoming recognized as a distinct breed in 1964. The Norfolk and Norwich Terriers are the smallest working terriers when combined. A Norfolk does not normally lose its coat.
Height- 9-10 inches
Weight- 11-12 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

A spitz-type dog from Sweden is called a Norrbottenspets, also known as a Norrbottenspitz, a Nordic Spitz, or a Pohjanpystykorva. With over 150 Norrbottenspets and a pedigree spanning three generations, their population is now in the low hundreds. They are a small-sized Spitz-type hunting dog that was once believed to be extinct but has since flourished as a farm and hunting dog in northern Sweden and Finland.
Height- 16.5-18 inches
Weight- 20-30 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-17 years

179.Norwegian Buhund
The Norwegian Buhund is a spitz-type dog breed. It shares a strong relationship with the Jämthund and the Icelandic Sheepdog. The Buhund is employed as a herding and agricultural dog as well as a guard dog. When unusual individuals or circumstances are around, they frequently start barking.
Height- 17-18.5 in (male), 16-17.5 in (female)
Weight- 31-40 pounds (male),26-35 pounds (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

180.Norwegian Elkhound
The Norwegian Buhund is a spitz-type dog breed. It shares a strong relationship with the Jämthund and the Icelandic Sheepdog. The Buhund is employed as a herding and agricultural dog as well as a guard dog. When unusual individuals or circumstances are around, they frequently start barking.
Height- 20.5 in (male), 19.5 in (female)
Weight- 55 Lb (male), 48 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

181.Norwegian Lundehund
Norway gave birth to the little Spitz breed known as the Norwegian Lundehund. Its name is a composite noun made up of the words lunde, which means dog, and hund, which means puffin.
The Norwegian Lundehund is the rarest and least common dog breed, ranked 197 out of 197 breeds, according to registration information from 2021.
Height- 13-15 in (male), 12-14 in (female)
Weight- 20-30 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

182.Norwich Terrier
The Norwich Terrier is a canine breed that was developed in the United Kingdom to hunt tiny rodents. Norwich Terriers have a nice disposition and are now mostly used as companion dogs. These dogs, who are among the tiniest terrier breeds, are often healthy but are somewhat uncommon because of factors including their small litter sizes and the frequent necessity for cesarean sections.
Height- 10 inches
Weight- 12 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

183.Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The medium-sized Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever was developed primarily as a hunting dog. It is frequently called a “toller.” The smallest of the retrievers, it frequently looks like a little Golden Retriever. Tollers are sharp thinkers who love to please others. An uncommon breed is the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
Height- 18-21 in (male),17-20 in (female)
Weight- 35-50 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

184.Old English Sheepdog
A huge breed of dog known as the Old English Sheepdog originated in England from early varieties of herding dogs. Shepherd’s Dog and bob-tailed sheep-dog are outdated names for the breed. Due to the breed’s history of having their tails docked, the term “Bob-tail” was coined.
Height- 22 in & up (male), 21 in & up (female)
Weight- 60-100 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

A British dog breed is called the otterhound. It is a breed of scent hound that the Kennel Club now recognizes as a Vulnerable Native Breed with just 600 animals worldwide. With less than 1,000 globally and 300 in Britain, they are even more uncommon than giant pandas or white rhinos.
Height- 27 in(male), 24 in (female)
Weight- 115 lb (male), 80 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

A British dog breed is called the otterhound. It is a breed of scent hound that the Kennel Club now recognizes as a Vulnerable Native Breed with just 600 animals worldwide. With less than 1,000 globally and 300 in Britain, they are even more uncommon than giant pandas or white rhinos.
Height- 8-11 inches
Weight- 5-10 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

187.Parson Russell Terrier
A little, white terrier breed known as the Parson Russell Terrier was the original Fox Terrier of the 18th century. The breed is named for the man who is credited with developing this breed of dog, the Reverend Jack Russell. Comparatively speaking, they are fairly uncommon.
Height- 14 in (male), 13 in (female)
Weight- 13-17 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

A toy dog breed with Chinese origins is the Pekingese. The breed’s name alludes to the city of Peking, which is home to the Forbidden City, and was preferred by nobility of the Chinese Imperial court as a lap dog and companion dog. The calm and sociable disposition of the dog is a benefit of owning a Peke.
Height- 6-9 inches
Weight- up to 14 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

189.Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Wales’s Pembrokeshire is home to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a type of cattle-herding dog. One of two breeds is referred to as a Welsh Corgi. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are canine descendants of the Spitz breed. Many Pembrokes participate in canine sports, including obedience, conformation, agility, and herding.
Height-10-12 inches
Weight- up to 30 lb (male),up to 28 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

190.Perro de Presa Canario
The Presa Canario is a huge dog of the mastiff or catch dog type that is a Spanish breed. It is mostly found on the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife and has its origins in the Canary Islands autonomous zone. The Dogo Canario was its previous name. Because of their size, dominance, and stubbornness, Presa Canario attacks can result in very serious injuries or even fatalities.
Height-22-26 inches
Weight- 84-110 pounds
LifeSpan- 9-11 year

191.Peruvian Inca Orchid
One of several kinds of hairless dogs is the Peruvian Hairless Dog, also known as a viringo, naked dog, or Chim dog. It is a native of Peru, where people typically raise it as a pet. As a piece of Peru’s cultural heritage, it has received official recognition. Unfortunately, the Peruvian Inca Orchid is relatively uncommon outside of its home country. There aren’t many well-known instances of it in existence.
Height-9.75-15.75 in (small) 15.75-19.75 in (medium)
Weight- 8.5-17.5 pounds (small) 17.5-26.5 pounds (medium)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

192.Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, often known as the PBGV, is a scent-hound dog breed that was developed to track hares in France’s Vendée region’s bramble-covered terrain. The breed is referred to as “Petit” or “PBGV” in the United States, “Roughie” in England, and “Griffon” or “Petit” in Denmark. A rough translation of the name accurately captures the dog: Griffon (shaggy), Petit (little), Basset (low), and Vendéen (from the French province of Vendée)
Height- 13-15 inches
Weight- 25-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

193.Pharaoh Hound
Maltese hunting dogs of the Kelb tal-Fenek or Pharaoh Hound breed. The Maltese name, which translates to “rabbit dog,” refers to its historic use in the rocky terrain of the islands for rabbit hunting. Only this breed, the Pharaoh Hound, blushes. The Pharaoh Hound’s snout and ears take on a rich rose hue when it is joyful or enthusiastic.
Height- 23-25 in (male), 21-24 in (female)
Weight- 45-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

194.Plott Hound
The Plott Dog is a large scent hound that was developed initially to hunt bears. The Plott Hound was chosen by the North Carolina General Assembly as the state dog in 1989. Plotts are quite uncommon in reality. To this day, they are most frequently seen in the Carolinas, where they are still highly regarded as hunting dogs. They are rarely kept as pets.
Height- 20–25 inches
Weight- 40–60 pounds
LifeSpan- 12 – 14 years

195. Pointer
The medium-sized Pointer, often known as the English Pointer, is a breed of pointing dog that was created in England. The name of the breed describes what it does, and they have been pointing at game birds for generations. The vivacious Pointer makes a great running buddy.
Height- 25-28 in (male), 23-26 in (female)
Weight- 55-75 Lb (male), 45-65 Lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-17 years

196. Polish Lowland Sheepdog
A medium-sized, shaggy-coated sheep dog breed with Polish roots is the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. The breed had a popularity score of 173 out of 193 in 2019. Only 1,500 to 2,000 are thought to exist in the United States. The breed had a popularity score of 173 out of 193 in 2019. Only 1,500 to 2,000 are thought to exist in the United States.
Height- 18-20 in (male), 17-19 in (female)
Weight- 30-50 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

The Pomeranian is a Spitz-type dog breed called after the Pomerania area in central European north-west Poland and north-east Germany. Due to its little size, the Pomeranian is categorized as a toy dog breed. Its ancestors were bigger Spitz-type dogs, notably the German Spitz. Housetraining Pomeranians may be challenging. Training in crates is advised.
Height- 6-7 inches
Weight- 3-7 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-16 years

198.Poodle (Miniature)
The Poodle is one of dogdom’s real aristocrats and comes in Standard, Miniature, or Toy sizes, as well as in black, white, or apricot colors. An exquisite athlete and friend for all occasions and seasons may be found behind the curly, hypoallergenic coat. Poodles are an exceptionally clever breed that frequently takes to training well. Housebreaking your new poodle may be a simple, even pleasurable task with persistence and care.
Height- 10-15 inches
Weight- 10-15 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-18 years

199.Poodle (Standard)
The Standard Poodle is not difficult to teach, but you must be fast, interesting, and enjoyable to be around! Best breeds of family dogs. The Standard Poodle may be a wonderful family companion, but a busy household with small children may find that this breed is unsuitable due to its space, time, and exercise requirements.
Height- over 15 inches (standard)
Weight- 60-70 lb (male standard), 40-50 lb (female standard
LifeSpan- 10-18 years

200.Poodle (Toy)
This breed has a strong sense of loyalty to its clan. Some dogs might be timid in front of strangers while some may bark too much. It is a delight to teach the vivacious and vivacious Toy Poodle since it is among the smartest breeds and is eager to please, attentive, alert, sensitive, playful, and lively. The Toy Poodle is significantly smaller in both size and weight than the Standard and Miniature Poodles.
Height- No more than 10 inches
Weight- 4-6 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-18 years

Dogs of the Porcelaine breed are French in origin. This scent hound’s original name, “Briquets Francs Comtois,” was given to it in 1844 and was taken from a French province that borders Switzerland. Although gentle and easygoing at home, the Porcelaine is a spirited and fearless hunter. It gets along well with both kids and other pets.
Height- 22-23 inches
Weight- 55-62 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

202.Portuguese Podengo
The Portuguese Podengo, often referred to as the Portuguese Warren Hound or Podengo Português, is a hound breed that originated in Portugal. The Podengo is a breed that comes in three distinct size ranges: tiny, medium, and giant. They have either short, “smooth,” or longer, “wired,” coats.
Height- 22-28 in (large) 16-22 in (medium)
Weight- 44-66 pounds (large) 35-44 pounds (medium)
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

203.Portuguese Pointer
A breed of dog known as a Portuguese Pointer was created as a hunting canine. It is one of many pointing breeds and is mostly employed for hunting red-legged partridge. The Pharaoh Hound, Cirneco dell Etna, and Ibizan Hound are the relatives of the Portuguese Podengo, a rare breed.
Height- 20.5-22 inches
Weight- 35-59 pounds
LifeSpan- 14 years

204.Portuguese Sheepdog
One of the native regional breeds of Portugal is the medium-sized Portuguese Sheepdog, a herding dog of the same name. Serra de Aires, a mountain close to Montforte in the Alentejo area, is referred to by its Portuguese name. The breed’s active demeanor and hairy face have earned it the moniker “co-macaco.”
Height- 16.5-21.5 inches
Weight- 37.5-59 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

205.Portuguese Water Dog
Portugal’s Algarve area is where the Portuguese Water Dog first appeared. From then, the breed spread to the whole coastline of Portugal, where they were trained to herd fish into fishermen’s nets, find broken or missing equipment, and serve as messengers from ship to ship or ship to shore. Only 36 Portuguese Water Dogs were submitted for Britain’s 2013 Crufts competition, making this breed rather uncommon.
Height- 20-23 in (male), 17-21 in (female)
Weight- 42-60 lb (male),35-50 lb(female)
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

A versatile hunting dog breed from Germany is the Pudelpointer. The German hunting poodle and the English Pointer were crossed to create this pointing breed. The Pudelpointer is a calm, self-aware, adaptable gun dog with a strong sense for hunting and no fear of game or firearms.
Height- 22-26 inches
Weight- 45-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 14 years

The pug is a breed of dog that originated in China and is distinguished by its curled tail and wrinkled, short-muzzled face. Don’t expect a pug to make an excellent guard dog; they are affable dogs that get along well with everyone, including strangers.
Height- 10-13 inches
Weight- 14-18 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

The Puli is among the most intelligent and self-assured breeds, but it’s also one of the most demanding and cunning. The Puli has “a potential for making mischief that is absolutely wonderful,” as one breeder put it. This breed requires seasoned owners who are adept at managing a stubborn dog. The Puli is a dedicated herding dog and a beloved member of the family. They are well recognized for their lengthy, corded coat that resembles dreadlocks.
Height- 17 in (male), 16 in (female)
Weight- 25-35 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

The medium-small Pumi sheepdog originated in Hungary. They are adaptable stock dogs who are skilled in driving, gathering, and controlling cattle. They have a round tail that creates a circle around their backs, a long head with semi-erect ears, and an amusing smile.
Height- 16-18.5 in (male), 15-17.5 in (female)
Weight- 27-29 lb (male), 22-24 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

210.Pyrenean Mastiff
The Pyrenean Mastiff, also known as the Mastn del Pirineo, is a huge livestock guardian dog that originated in northeastern Spain’s autonomous community of Aragón. As part of the yearly transhumance to high summer pasture in the Pyrenees, it was historically employed to safeguard flocks.
Height- 16-18.5 in (male), 15-17.5 in (female)
Weight- 27-29 lb (male), 22-24 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

211.Pyrenean Shepherd
Originally from the Pyrenees Mountains of France, the Pyrenean Shepherd, or Chien de Berger des Pyrénées, is a small to medium-sized breed of herding dog. It may be seen working with the much bigger Pyrenean Mountain Dog, which is kept as a flock protector, to herd flocks of sheep all across the Pyrenees.
Height- 15.5-18.5 in (male rough-faced), 15-18 in (female rough-faced), 15.5-21 in (male smooth-faced), 15.5-20.5 in (female smooth-faced)
Weight- 15-30 pounds
LifeSpan- 17-19 years

212.Rafeiro do Alentejo
The Portuguese livestock guardian dog breed is known as the Rafeiro do Alentejo. It has the name of its birthplace, the southern Portuguese province of Alentejo. It is acknowledged by the Clube Português de Canicultura, and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale formally approved it in 1954.
Height- 25-29 inches
Weight- 77-132 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

213.Rat Terrier
An American dog breed with a history as a farm dog and hunting partner is the rat terrier. They are closely related to the little hunting dogs known as feists. In the 1920s and 1930s, they were widespread on family farms; nevertheless, now the United and American Kennel Clubs classify them as a rare breed.
Height- 10-13 in (miniature), 13-18 in (standard)
Weight- 10-25 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-18 years

214.Redbone Coonhound
An American hunting dog breed is the Redbone Coonhound. It may be used to hunt cougars, bears, boar, raccoons, deer, and other large wildlife. It was developed in the South of the United States from foxhounds brought over by Scottish immigrants. Its rich crimson coat serves as a defining feature.
Height- 22-27 in (male), 21-26 in (female)
Weight- 45-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

215.Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Southern African area is home to the huge scenthound and sighthound dog breed known as the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Its ancestors may be found in the Khoikhoi’s semi-domesticated ridged hunting and guard dogs. The early settlers of the Cape Colony in southern Africa crossed them with European canines.
Height- 25-27 in (male),24-26 in (female)
Weight- 85 lb (male),70 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10 – 12 years

216.Romanian Carpathian Shepherd
A sizable breed of livestock guardian dogs with its origins in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains is known as the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd. Although many contemporary nations have eliminated their populations of highland predators, Romania’s numbers are still substantial, guaranteeing that these dogs continue to play an important role in civilization. In fact, there is a local myth that claims the Carpathian Shepherd’s wolf-like characteristics are what make it such a fierce guard dog.
Height- 26-29 Males, 23 – 26 Females
Weight- 70 – 100 lbs
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

217.Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog
The Romanian Carpathian Mountains are the birthplace of the huge breed of livestock guardian dog known as the Romanian Mioritic Shepherd. He is the ideal guardian for his owner and the herds since he is fearless and incredibly brave. Despite the fact that he obeys his master with composure and discipline, he is a watchful, brave, and domineering dog. A lovely pet and an untouchable guard.
Height- 27-29 in (males), 22.5-28 in (females)
Weight- 100-130 lbs
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

The Rottweiler is a medium-to-large or large-sized domestic dog breed. Because their primary function was to herd animals and drag carts filled with slaughtered meat to markets, the dogs were known in German as Rottweiler Metzgerhund, or Rottweil butchers’ dogs. Bone cancer, more precisely, is the most frequent cause of early mortality in Rottweilers.
Height- 24-27 in (male), 22-25 in (female)
Weight- 95-135 lb (male), 80-100 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 9-10 years

219.Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier is a little breed of terrier that was developed in England for fox hunting. It typically has a white body and can have any color and be smooth, rough, or broken-coated. Sometimes the term “Jack Russells” is used incorrectly to refer to little tan and white terriers that are actually members of different breeds. Russells are unable to live outside owing to the social repercussions it would have on them.
Height- 10-12 inches
Weight- 9-15 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

220.Russian Toy
The Russian Toy is a little dog breed that was developed from the English Toy Terrier in Russia. The breed has two different coat types: long coat and smooth coat. The Russian Toy Terrier and Moscow Long-Haired Toy Terrier, respectively, were the names of the smooth-coated and long-coated varieties, respectively. There are only around 775 Russian toy dogs in the United States, making them an uncommon breed.
Height- 8-11 inches
Weight- Up to 6.5 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

221.Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
The Tsvetnaya Bolonka is a rare toy breed of the Bichon type that originated in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia, from the ancestors of smaller dogs like the Bichon Frise, Toy Poodle, Shih Tzu, Pekingese, and French Bolognese. It is also known as the Bolonka Zwetna in Germany and simply as a Bolonka.
Height- 11 inches
Weight- 6 – 9 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-20 years

222.Saint Bernard
The Western Alps in Italy and Switzerland are the origin of the exceptionally big working dog breed known as the Saint Bernard or St. Bernard. They were initially raised by the Great St. Bernard Pass hospice on the Swiss-Italian border for rescue efforts. St. Bernard (1091-1153), the founder and abbot of the Abbey of Clairvaux, played a crucial role in the early spread of the Cistercian Order across Europe.
Height- 28-30 in(males), 26-28 in (female)
Weight- 140-180 lb (male), 120-140 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 8-10 years

The Saluki, commonly referred to as the Persian Greyhound, is a standardized breed that was created from sighthounds, or canines that hunt largely by sight rather than smell. These dogs were historically utilized by nomadic nomads to pursue game animals. The Fertile Crescent is where the dog was first bred. He is on the list of the priciest dog breeds in the world. A Saluki puppy will typically cost you around $2,500.
Height- 23-28 in (male), considerably smaller (female)
Weight- 40-65 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-17 years

A breed of medium-sized herding dogs known as the Samoyed has thick, double-layered white fur. They are a breed of dog known as a spitz, and they got their name from the Samoyedic tribes in Siberia. They are a tamed mammal that helps in herding, hunting, protection, and sledding. They are descended from the Nenets Herding Laika.
Height- 21-23.5 in (male), 19-21 in (female)
Weight- 45-65 lb (male), 35-50 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

The Dutch Sheepdog, often known as the Schapendoes, is a breed of canine. Originally bred as a herding dog and all-purpose farm dog, the Schapendoes now competes in dog sports including agility and flyball. Shepherd’s Dog and bob-tailed sheep-dog are outdated names for the breed. Due to the breed’s history of having their tails docked, the term “Bob-tail” (or “Bobtail”) was coined.
Height- 16-20 inches
Weight- 26-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

A Schipperke is a little dog breed that has its roots in Belgium dating back to the 1600s. Whether this breed of dog is a small sheepdog or a spitz has been the subject of a protracted informal discussion. They are seen as miniature shepherds in their native Belgium. Schipperke dogs are uncommon.
Height- 11-13 in (male), 10-12 in (female)
Weight- 10-16 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

227.Scottish Deerhound
The Scottish Deerhound, often known as the Deerhound, is a large sighthound breed that was originally developed for coursing red deer. The Scottish Deerhound resembles the Greyhound externally, but is bigger, heavier-boned, and has a rougher coat. In the movie version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Cleod, a Scottish Deerhound, played Sirius Black’s Animagus form.
Height- 30-32 in(male), 28 in & up (female)
Weight- 85-110 lb (male), 75-95 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 8-11 years

228.Scottish Terrier
A kind of dog is the Scottish Terrier, sometimes known as the Scottie. Originally one of the highland terrier breeds referred to as the Skye Terrier. The Scottish Terrier is renowned for his loyalty to family, despite the fact that he may be stoic while other terrier breeds are effusive with their welcomes.
Height- 30-32 in(male), 28 in & up (female)
Weight- 85-110 lb (male), 75-95 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 8-11 years

229.Sealyham Terrier
The Sealyham Terrier is a small to medium-sized terrier that is a rare Welsh breed that was developed in Wales as a working dog. It is primarily a white-bodied, rough-coated breed that Captain John Edwardes created at Sealyham House in Pembrokeshire in the middle to end of the 19th century. One of the most endangered native breeds is the Sealyham.
Height- 10.5 inches
Weight- 23-24 lb (male), slightly less (females)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

230.Segugio Italiano
The wire-haired Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte or the short-haired Segugio Italiano a Pelo Raso are the two Italian breeds of dog that are classified as scent hounds. The Segugio Italiano is a medium-sized long-legged hound that has two different coat types: smooth and rough. The Segugio is light and square in shape, with a long snout and slender physique like those of a sighthound and wide drooping ears and a nose resembling those of a scent hound.
Height- 19.5 – 24.5 in males, 19 – 24 in females
Weight- 39 – 62 lbs
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

231.Shetland Sheepdog
The Shetland Sheepdog, sometimes referred to as the Sheltie, is a kind of herding dog that was developed in the Scottish Shetland Islands. Shetland Collie was the breed’s initial name, but because of disagreements it generated with Rough Collie breeders of the time, the name was legally altered. Shelties are a sensitive breed that, when mistreated, can develop anxiety or depression.
Height- 13-16 inches
Weight- 15-25 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

232.Shiba Inu
The Japanese hunting dog breed is known as the Shiba Inu. It is the smallest of the six original and distinctive spitz breeds of dog that are indigenous to Japan, and it is a small-to-medium breed. The Shiba Inu was originally created as a hunting dog. It is a tiny, alert, and nimble dog that does extremely well with steep terrain and hiking paths. In Japan and the US, they are largely used as companion animals nowadays.
Height- 14.5-16.5 in (male), 13.5-15.5 in (female)
Weight- 23 lb (male), 17 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 13-16 years

233.Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is a small dog breed that was developed in Tibet by cross-breeding between the Lhasa Apso and the Pekingese. Shih Tzus are well recognized for their small snouts, big, round eyes, constantly-growing coats, floppy ears, and short, sturdy postures, in addition to all of the other characteristics listed above. The Shih Tzu is a lively, active small dog with an amazingly low-maintenance and laid-back personality.
Height- 9-10.5 inches
Weight- 9-16 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-18 years

Shikoku Island is home to the Japanese dog breed known as the Shikoku Inu or Kchi-ken. In 1937, it received national monument status. These canines were praised for their loyalty and were bred to hunt wild boars. Even in its native nation, Shikoku is uncommon, but in North America it is even more so.
Height- 17-22 inches
Weight- 35-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

235.Siberian Husky
A medium-sized working sled dog breed is the Siberian Husky. The breed is genetically related to the Spitz. It is smaller than the similarly shaped Alaskan Malamute and is easily distinguished by its heavily furred double coat, upright triangular ears, and unusual markings. Although it is believed that all dogs descended from wolves, Huskies are not more closely linked to wolves than other dogs.
Height- 21-23.5 in (male), 20-22 in(female)
Weight- 45-60 lb (male), 35-50 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

236.Silky Terrier
A tiny terrier dog breed, the Australian Silky Terrier is also known as the Silky Terrier. Despite having British ancestral kinds and breeds, the breed was created in Australia. It has a strong kinship with the Yorkshire Terrier and the Australian Terrier. In the United States, the silky terrier—also known as a “silkie”—is an uncommon breed.
Height- 9-10 inches
Weight- around 10 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

237.Skye Terrier
According to The Kennel Club, the Scottish dog breed known as the Skye Terrier is “one of the most endangered native dog breeds in the United Kingdom.” It is a long, low, robust terrier. The Skye is a classic Terrier: hardy, tenacious, and inclined to bark and dig. The Kennel Club thinks that there are currently only 5,000 Skyes in existence.
Height- 10 in (male),9.5 in (female)
Weight- 35-45 lb (male),slightly lightly (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

An old domestic dog breed, the Sloughi, or Arabian Greyhound, is a member of the sighthound family. It is indigenous to North Africa and is present in Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. Sloughis are extremely athletic canines who have a top speed of 42 mph.
Height- 26-29 in (male), 24-27 in (female)
Weight- 35-50 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-15 years

239.Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer
A gundog breed called the Slovak Rough-haired Pointer was created in Slovakia following World War II. German Wirehaired Pointers, Weimaraners, and the Cesky Fousek were crossed to create the breed (also known as the Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon). The German Wirehaired Pointer and Pudelpointer have also made a little contribution to the SRHP breed.
Height- 24.5-26.5 in (male), 22.5-26 in (female)
Weight- 50-65 lbs
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

240.Slovensky Cuvac
The Slovak Cuvac is a canine variety that was developed in Slovakia as a livestock guard dog. This breed is linked to the Hungarian Kuvasz and is also known as Slovensky Cuvac, Slovak Chuvach, Tatransky Cuvac, and Slovensky Kuvac. The Slovak Cuvac is a strong, calm, and devoted flock protector. Whether it be people or other animals, it is a brave defender of its area and “pack.”
Height- 23-27.5 inches
Weight- 68-97 pounds
LifeSpan- 11-13 years

241.Slovensky Kopov
A medium-sized scenthound breed of hunting dog, the Slovensky kopov. The breed was developed for boar hunting and has its roots in Slovakia in Central Europe. Given that the breed has no link to the Black Forest, the moniker “Black Forest Hound” appears to have been invented in North America for marketing purposes.
Height- 16-20 inches
Weight- 33-44 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

242.Small Munsterlander
Small Münsterländers are a multipurpose hunting, pointing, and retrieving dog breed that originated in the region of Münster, Germany. Despite being from the same region, the Large Münsterländer was created from a distinct breeding stock and is not related as the names would imply.
Height- 20.5-21 inches
Weight- 40-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

243.Smooth Fox Terrier
One of the various terrier breeds of dogs is the smooth fox terrier. It was the ancestor of all fox terrier breeds. The smooth fox terrier is amiable, gregarious, and best suited for families that lead busy lifestyles. They make wonderful companions for kids since the dog never gets bored playing. The Smooth Fox Terrier has demonstrated its prowess as a trick dog in circuses and performance groups all over the world.
Height- 15½ inches
Weight- 18 lb (male), 15-17 (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

244.Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Ireland gave birth to the pure-breed Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier. Irish or Heavy coats are the two most common varieties found on wheatens. Compared to the Heavy, or American coat, which is thicker and fuller, the Irish coat tends to be silkier and waiver. Compared to many other terrier breeds, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers are less aggressive toward other dogs.
Height- 18-19 in (male), 17-18 in (female)
Weight- 35-40 lb (male), 30-35 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

245.Spanish Mastiff
The Spanish Mastiff, also known as the Mastn Espanol, is a breed of dog that was developed in Spain originally as a guard dog. Its primary function now is as a livestock guardian dog, defending flocks and/or herds from wolves and other predators. They don’t make good apartment dogs despite their occasionally lax behavior.
Height- Minimum 28-35 inches
Weight- 140-200 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

246.Spanish Water Dog
Spain used the breed of Spanish Water Dog as a general-purpose security dog and sheepdog. It is adept at retrieving from water and is occasionally employed as a gundog. The Spanish Water Dog has established itself as a desirable all-around farm dog thanks to his intellect, sharp capacity to learn, and hard labor.
Height- 17.5-19.75 in (male), 15.75-18 in (female)
Weight- 40-49 lb (male), 31-40 lb(female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

247.Spinone Italiano
The Italian hunting dog breed known as the Spinone Italiano has historically been employed for tracking, pointing, and recovering prey. The Spinone Italiano is a breed that is great for families since it is smart, laid-back, and sociable. With a mellow, gentle disposition and capacity to bond with people, Spinoni Italiani can make great service or therapy dogs.
Height- 23-27 in (male), 22-25 in (female)
Weight- In direct proportion to size and structure of a dog
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

One of the most uncommon dog breeds in existence is the Stabyhoun, sometimes known as a Stabijhoun or Stabij. Its roots are in the wooded region of eastern and southeastern Friesland, a province of the Netherlands. The Stabyhoun is one of the top ten most uncommon dog breeds in the world, with just 6,000 individuals living in the entire planet.
Height- 19-21 inches
Weight- 40-60 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

249.Staffordshire Bull Terrier
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, often known as the Staffy or Stafford, is a medium-sized, short haired purebred dog breed. Staffords come from Staffordshire, the county after which they were called, namely the Black Country. A Staffy puppy’s head will “split” sometime when they are roughly 6 months old, but generally later.
Height- 14-16 inches
Weight- 28-38 lb (male), 24-34 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

250.Standard Schnauzer
The Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer are descended from the Schnauzer breed type, which dates back to at least the 14th and 15th centuries in Germany. Wire-Haired Pinscher was the original name, while Schnauzer was coined in 1879. Their high level of knowledge may be both a boon and a burden in disguise!
Height- 18.5-19.5 in(male), 17.5-18.5 in (female)
Weight- 35-50 lb (male), 30-45 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 13-16 years

251.Sussex Spaniel
Southern England’s Sussex is home to a breed of dog known as the Sussex Spaniel. It is a low-set, small spaniel that shares traits with the Clumber Spaniel, another ancient breed. Even though they might be slow-moving, they can also be vivacious and clownish. The rarest native dog breed in Britain is the Sussex Spaniel.
Height- 13-15 inches
Weight- 35-45 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

252.Swedish Lapphund
One of three Lapphund breeds created from a species of dog used by the Sami people to herd and protect their reindeer is the Swedish Lapphund, a breed of dog of the Spitz type from Sweden. This dog is highly prized by the Finns, who see it as one of their national breeds. Reindeer herding by Lapphunds as a “work” is now extremely uncommon in Lapland.
Height- 16-20 inches
Weight- 30-45 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

253.Swedish Vallhund
The Västgötaspets, often referred to as the Swedish cow dog and the Swedish Vallhund, is a canine breed that originated in Sweden. The Swedish Vallhund was first developed as a drover and cow herder over a thousand years ago, hence the breed’s name, which translates into English as “herding dog.” These 11 uncommon dog breeds can just help you make a statement on your street.
Height- Male: 32–34 cm, Female: 30–32 cm
Weight- Male: 9–14 kg, Female: 9–14 kg
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

254.Taiwan Dog
A tiny to medium-sized dog breed that is native to Taiwan is called the Taiwan Dog. Prior to the coming of several colonial eras and foreign powers, they evolved into a semi-wild breed that is ideally suited to the uneven and heavily wooded terrain of Taiwan. In North America, breeders and rescue organizations seldom have Taiwan dogs for sale.
Height- 17-20 inches
Weight- 26-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 9-13 years

255.Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
A small to medium-sized hunting terrier from the United States is called a Teddy Roosevelt Terrier. In comparison to the closely related American Rat Terrier, it has shorter legs, a lower setback, and greater muscle and bone density.
Height- 8-14 inches
Weight- 8-25 pounds
LifeSpan- 14-16 years

256.Thai Ridgeback
A dog from Thailand is called a Thai Ridgeback. One of only three breeds, the Thai Ridgeback, has a ridge of hair running down its back in the opposite direction from the rest of its coat. The Rhodesian Ridgeback and the Phu Quoc Ridgeback are the other two. There are reportedly just 300 of these canines in the country.
Height- 20-24 inches
Weight- 35-75 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

257.Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff, one of the world’s oldest and sturdiest breeds, was employed to guard dwellings in the Himalayan area. They have an intimidating build, and their jaw can exert an incredible 550 pounds of force. A huge breed of Tibetan dog is the Tibetan Mastiff.
Height- minimum 26 in (male), minimum 24 in (female)
Weight- 90-150 lb (male), 70-120 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

258.Tibetan Spaniel
A strong, little dog breed with Tibetan origins is the Tibetan Spaniel. The Tibetan spaniel is a companion dog, not a real spaniel in the traditional sense of the word because of its unique ancestry and different breeding from other spaniels. There aren’t many Tibetan Spaniels around.
Height- 10 inches
Weight- 9-15 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

259.Tibetan Terrier
A medium-sized dog breed with Tibetan roots is the Tibetan Terrier. It is not a member of the terrier family, despite its name. Due to the breed’s similarity to well-known terrier breeds, European explorers gave it the English name. best suited for households with school-age kids who are knowledgeable about how to care for a dog.
Height- 14-17 inches
Weight- 18-30 lb (male), slightly smaller (female)
LifeSpan- 15-16 years

Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Croatia, are the traditional home of the Tornjak breed of livestock guardian dog. The term “tor,” a sheep corral, is a native word that gave rise to the name. The region’s mountains and valleys are home to several landrace shepherding dogs that are genetically homogenous and make up the foundation stock. Tornjaks continue to be regarded as an uncommon breed.
Height- 23-28 inches
Weight- 62-110 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

A canine breed with Japanese origins known as the Tosa Inu is rare. The only breed currently used (legally) in Japanese dog fighting, it was initially bred in Tosa, Shikoku (modern-day Kchi). Some nations prohibit ownership of harmful breeds. The second part of the 19th century saw the creation of this breed.
Height- Minimum 21.5-23.5 inches
Weight- 100-200 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

262.Toy Fox Terrier
Since 1936, the Toy Fox Terrier has been recognized by the UKC as a distinct breed in the USA. It is a little terrier breed of dog that is directly related to the bigger Smooth Fox Terrier. They are not advised as playmates for very young children, like other toy breeds, but they may be energetic, entertaining companions for older kids.
Height- 8.5-11.5 inches
Weight- 4 – 9 lbs
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

263.Transylvanian Hound
The Transylvanian Hound is a canine breed that originated in Transylvania and Hungary and was originally employed mostly for hunting. It is a powerful, medium-sized scent hound with characteristic tan eyebrow patches and a black body with tan and occasionally white markings on the nose, chest, and limbs.
Height- 22-26 inches
Weight- Minimum 55 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-14 years

264.Treeing Tennessee Brindle
The Brindle Cur dog that gave rise to the Treeing Tennessee Brindle had a brown coat with black, tiger-like stripes. A kind of cur is the Treeing Tennessee Brindle. Through the Foundation Stock Service Program of the American Kennel Club, its records have been kept up to date since 1995.
Height- 16-24 inches
Weight- 30-50 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years

265.Treeing Walker Coonhound
A hound breed descended from the English and American Foxhounds is the Treeing Walker Coonhound. The Walker Hound was mated with a stolen dog known as “Tennessee Lead” to create the breed in the United States during the 19th century. They may come out as needy or clingy, but that’s just how much they adore you.
Height- 22-27 in (male), 20-25 in (female)
Weight- 50-70 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-13 years

The Vizsla is a Hungarian dog breed that is a member of the American Kennel Club, Group 1 of the Canadian Kennel Club, and Federation Cynologique Internationale Group 7. The Smooth-Haired Vizsla, also known as the Hungarian or Magyar Vizsla, is an athletic dog and a devoted friend. The Vizsla is a gifted hunter with a superb nose and exceptional trainability.
Height- 22-24 in (male), 21-23 in (female)
Weight- 55-60 lb (male),44-55 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-14 years

267.Volpino Italiano
A Spitz-type Italian dog breed, the Volpino Italiano or Volpino. It shares a family tree with the Pomeranian and German Spitz. The breed of Volpino Italiano is varied. When they’re through playing agility, they love to run and leap up on your lap to sleep there for the rest of the day.
Height- 10.5-12 inches
Weight- 10-16 lb (males),8-12 lb (females)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

The huge Weimaraner dog breed was developed in the early 19th century as a hunting companion. Royalty utilized early Weimaraners to hunt huge wildlife like boar, bear, and deer. The English Pointer, the Great Dane, and other breeds are said to have been crossed to form the Weimaraner.
Height- 25-27 in (male), 23-25 in (female)
Weight- 70-90 lb (male), 55-75 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 10-13 years

269.Welsh Springer Spaniel
A breed of dog and a member of the spaniel family is the Welsh Springer Spaniel. They have previously gone by the names Welsh Spaniel and Welsh Cocker Spaniel and are thought to be akin to the ancient Land Spaniel. They are also comparable to the English Springer Spaniel. Among spaniels, the Welsh springer is a rather uncommon breed.
Height- 18-19 in (male), 17-18 in (female)
Weight- 40-55 lb (male), 35-50 lb (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

270.Welsh Terrier
The Welsh Terrier is native to Wales and was developed as a fox, rat, and badger hunter; however, during the past century, it has mostly been developed as a show dog. It still possesses the terrier-like tenacity of spirit nonetheless. It has been asserted that the Welsh Terrier is the oldest dog breed still in existence in the UK.
Height- 15 inches (male), proportionally smaller (female)
Weight- 20 lb (male), proportionally smaller (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

271.West Highland White Terrier
The West Highland White Terrier, sometimes referred to as the Westie, is a Scottish dog breed that has an outwardly hard white coat and a considerably softer white undercoat. Despite having larger legs than other Scottish terrier breeds, it is a medium-sized terrier. Over the course of a day, West Highland Terriers require roughly 13 hours of sleep.
Height- 11 in (male), 10 in (female)
Weight- 15-20 pounds
LifeSpan- 13-15 years

The Wetterhoun is a breed of dog that originated in the Dutch province of Friesland, originally employed as a hunting dog for small game and ducks. The term “water dog” is derived from the West Frisian word Wetterhûn. In Frisian, Wetterhoun is pluralized as Wetterhounen.
Height- 23 in (male), 21.5 in (female)
Weight- 50-75 pounds
LifeSpan- 13 years

A medium-sized British dog breed is the whippet. They are a breed of sighthound that was developed in England and is related to the greyhound. Today’s whippets still resemble a miniature Greyhound very much. Other than arrhythmia, Whippets, who belong to the hound family, have comparatively few health issues.
Height- 19-22 in (male), 18-21 in (female)
Weight- 25-40 pounds
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

274.Wire Fox Terrier
One of the many terrier breeds of dogs is the Wire Fox Terrier. It is a fox terrier, and while looking similar to the Smooth Fox Terrier, it is thought that they were produced independently. It is a rather uncommon breed.
Height- 15½ inches
Weight- 18 lb (male), 15-17 (female)
LifeSpan- 12-15 years

One of several canine breeds without hair is the Xoloitzcuintle. It comes in standard, medium, and miniature sizes. The Xolo is also offered in a coated version that is entirely covered with fur. Due to the same gene combination, coated and hairless offspring might both be born in the same litter.
Height- 10-14 in(toy), 14-18 in (miniature), 18-23 in (standard)
Weight- 10-15 lb (toy), 15-30 lb (miniature), 30-55 lb (standard)
LifeSpan- 13-18 years

276.Yakutian Laika
The Sakha Republic’s Arctic coastline is where the old working dog breed known as the Yakutian Laika first appeared. Yakutian laikas are versatile laikas that can pull a sled, hunt, and herd reindeer. Particularly in the US, the Yakutian Laika is rather uncommon.
Height- 21-23 inches
Weight- 40-55 pounds
LifeSpan- 10-12 years